
@xmywreckingballx: You make a good point. Move may not be that expensive out of the box, but neither are Wii controllers. That is, until you factor in all the Motion+ and Nunchuk add-ons. The same can be said about Move.

@Kuwabara Kazuo: Back when all manner of prisoners were executed by firing squad, they were often given a cigarette or last meal and then blindfolded so those that shot them didn't have to look them in the eye as they died as to avoid being haunted by those they essentially murdered.

Isn't this sort of the fault of Ubisoft? The in-game prince Gyllenhaal's character is based off of doesn't look Persian, either. He looks kinda like an angsty Jake Gyllenhaal.

As a huge fan of Insomniac's work on the Ratchet & Clank series, I am torn as to what I am more excited about with this announcement: the fact that they are developing yet another epic franchise, or that I'll be able to play it on my 360 if I choose to.

@robnroll: I completely agree with you. I think he stayed outside not only because he wasn't ready to move on (he had only recently found peace with Rousseau and Alex) but because others still needed help moving on, like Ana Lucia, Miles, Faraday, etc.

@PulpZero: Matthew Fox explained to Jimmy Kimmel on his special afterward that the LA-verse was like a purgatory, but it itself was a post-death trial. Another test for everyone.

@CaptainMurphy: Christian was pretty clear with this. He said to Jack something along the lines of, "There is no 'when' here [the LA-verse]. Some people died before you. Some long after."

@robnroll: Nah, he met Rousseau earlier. He totally found piece.

@wicket_lfe: Only if it controlled mundane kitchen appliances like the toaster and can opener.

What about Steel Battalion's behemoth?

Well last time a CoD game was released we were all given an early version... of the MULTIPLAYER!

@gravyleaves: Don't tempt me like that. I hold it as a personal requirement to not play more than one game concurrently. Same with books; I have to read one before starting another.

I hate to say it, but these look good. I'll hold off on saying I'll buy it for now, but I can admit I am very excited to play this.

I'm so excited to play this this weekend. My copy came in the mail yesterday, but I'm currently playing God of War 3. I need to crush the gods and then get to shooting some outlaws ASAP!

@McNutsack: As an exclusive flagship multiplayer title for the system, I think they should care. I'm a huge shooter fan but I and everyone else I know who owns the game had moved on a long time ago.

This Spring? Everything else I've heard is saying this game isn't coming out until next year. Early 2011.

This is funny to me. My buddy showed me "this random little zombie game" he downloaded the other week. It was ZombieSmash! He loves it.

I would care about these fixes if I didn't stop playing the game over a year and a half ago because it was so broken.

@CHunterX: That's partially my issue. One game in a genre at least makes strides in the right direction, sometimes failing to reach previous highs, and gets knocked for it.