*backs away slowly*
*backs away slowly*
It's always good for a laugh when a creator tries to argue his own form of self-motivation is universal and everyone else is lying to themselves.
Best of luck with, like, freaking the squares, man.
Because most players are right-handed.
Rare has a lot of ideas for what the game will become . . . what was playable at E3 was a very small slice of that dream
I guess what I'm wondering about is "inexplicable", since the explanation for me was a few years of crappy Sonic games leading to an expectation that the buyers left would buy damn near anything with the name on it.
Man, that New 52 comment did not age well!
I remember soldiering through the demo version of that game in college in one sitting and shocking the shit out of my roommate, who unbeknownst to me had been trying to do it for a while.
it really is one of the medium's most bizarre, inexplicable fiascoes
The Sonic games' downfall was how terrible they were when it came to controlling the character. There were some good games in the series, but they depended completely on good level design to make up for the controls. So when you ended up with this Simon's Quest kneel crap, a lot of people said fuck it.
The spin dash in a low-speed level was a great example of how not to design an entertaining game.
In part because the controls are so awful.
The broadly accepted critical narrative about the Sonic The Hedgehog games is that they used to be good but are now bad,
Mother, May I Sleep With The Neon Demon?
Then again, the darker path spelled death for Carrey's career.
As usual, the only guy wetting his pants like a baby is the guy saying "I bet someone else will be offended."
Are you calling yourself a SJW?
It's a good movie.
In his latest incarnation, all of his gear was put into him surgically to replace body parts that got sheared off during a New Gods-related event. Since Geoff Johns wrote that story and he's the creative wallah for DC movies now, something similar seems likely, especially since it gives Cyborg an origin that ties into…
The world has shifted a little. Used to be that without publicity, no one could find any information on you. Now, people put it out there themselves.