
Fred Sanford concurs.

Yeah, does Uncle Sam look concerned? He's got credit card with an unlimited limit and someone else who has to pay for it.

Speeding, wreckless driving, blocking traffic, stopping on the freeway, running redlights, property damage, assault and battery... Just in this video.

No way that Buc fake should have stood. Last time I checked this isn't the CFL and you can't ready be running towards the line when the ball is snapped.

Breaking News! Ump forgets to raise his arm on strike call. News at 11.

What is this 3am tomorrow business? Today is 9/11/13, Tomorrow is 9/12/13. Everything I have read says that preorders are on 9/13/13. What gives?

Containing something that came from SPACE? You mean like the gold that was most likely created in the heart of supernova or between two colliding neutron stars?

Wow that's pretty desperate of USC.

Man, that park is a real steal at only 2.5 BILLION.

He's exactly right. The iOS has gone stale. That doesn't mean I'm running out and buying a Blackberry though.

I'm not shoe expert, but it doesn't look like he is even wearing high tops. If that is the case I'm not shocked to see him sprain his ankle.

When all else fails, put in the scrubs and issue some rather aggressive fouls. When the opposing coach begins to whine...and he will whine. Just shrug and claim nothing against the rules.

Nevermind.. on further review... total flop.

Meanwhile Standford #33, the guy who started the whole thing... remains in the game.

Holiday 2013 is not a release date is February. It's a projection. Might as well announced PS5 and PS6 ... "coming in holiday season 2018 and 2023."

That was about the lamest, most half assed product launch I have ever seen... "Hey everybody, Diablo III on PS4. Thank you, good night."

16GB of ram can be had retail at like $60 - 70 bucks. Glad to see Sony really go all out and spend $20 on ram for their "next gen, bleeding edge" console that no one saw.

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed that. No pricing, no release date... hell no console. I wasn't even all that impressed by its last year - current pc graphics.

Welp. That was tremendously underwhelming. The only two things remotely caught my interest. Watch Dogs (not an exclusive) and Remote Play which make absolutely no sense without leveraging iOS / Android. The controller has a proprietary headphone jack for the love of pete. The graphics looks like last year - to