
I'm surprised that a Ramsey wraith didn't lumber in and stab Meera in the throat instead of just her being allowed to leave.

It's there in the section on 19, but it's a brief mention.

They could've been as big as Toad the Wet Sprocket!

Pointless quibble on minor observation in article: assuming that the weather in far-southern Illinois bears any resemblance to the weather in Chicago is a stretch. In climate (and culture), the southern quarter of the state is closer to Dixie than the Hog Butcher to the world. Shitkickers in Golconda can be sunbathing

Trump is the cutest baby animal! Very unfair for zoos to say otherwise!

That's the exact couple that always elbows their way in front of me at concerts. If I tell Mr. Yeti to haul his ass to the back of the crowd, it makes me a prick for sentencing his companion, Miss Sackville-Baggins, to the back also. It's why I rarely go to shows anymore, as I just can't win.

Same here. Loved the show when I was in college back in the 80s, cooled on it but was still okay with it over the next couple decades, and then sometime within the last eight years or so a switch was thrown in my head and I grew to loathe it.

Growing up Baptist, I was treated to many a Sunday night when the pastor didn't feel like preaching so we watched a Christian movie instead. Most of them actually did follow the Kane template, but it makes sense as "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses his own soul" is a well trod Christian

I still dream my dream of someone being able to retroactively inject just a bit more coherence into David Lynch' s Dune. I love the cast and the visuals but the story doesn't quite clear the hurdle. No need for a full remake, just a revisit.

Yeah, that suggestion was some high octane dumbassery for sure.

If that's the case, mission accomplished. I'd loathed the guy for years, but with Cosmos and now this, I'm actually to the point where seeing a photo of him no longer makes me automatically think "what a smarmy asshole;" instead. I'm now more likely to think "you know, he looks like a pretty good guy."

If you're serious, you have either a remarkable misunderstanding of Christianity or a remarkable misunderstanding of objectivism. Or both. (I lean towards that option.)

I, for one, would be very pleased to find that Lady Stoneheart is completely absent from the show. Couldn't stand her when she was alive, like her even less dead. It was like, "Ah, come on, Martin! Of all the characters to come back from the dead, you picked her?????"

Y'know, that would actually be kind of interesting. Now I want to see this.

Girl Talk Unplugged would be a gripping hour of tv.

This was the most disappointing episode in a season distinguished by its disappointments. To have hung on through the first half of the season and be willing to excuse it as the show "finding its feet," then allow oneself to actually get optimistic about it based on the last few episodes, and then be treated to this

It's not entirely clear if the protagonist of Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" dated Jeannie or not, but he does refer to her as a lady that he used to know, so it's kind of implied. But since Jeannie and the big gorilla never make out in the song, I guess it doesn't fit the criteria of the list

Don't you understand that anyone who likes something I'm unfamiliar with or doesn't like something that I like is by definition a stinking hipster? That's how it works!

If it's anything like the last four (counting Kill Bill as one movie and including Death Proof), he doesn't need to as he's already made the same movie 4 times. Let's get revenge!

"Radio Nine" is the lone concession to the encroaching artiness of post-punk? You mean the side long suite of interconnected, lyrically abstract songs that "Radio Nine" caps off wasn't arty?