Brad Millette

I see you too are a StarTropics fan.

Oh no, that movie is no good.

Ah, forgot about Songbird and Siryn.

I think a lot of it is due to Burton's acting for the character, too. When he's attacking Killer Frost (I believe) with the yo-yo weapon, and announcing the tricks. "Arrrrrooooooooound the world! Rock the cradle!" and then he just has this utterly sinister intonation when he's about to deal the final blow with

Like now it's clearly obvious. Just goes to show how good she is as an actor, I guess.

Also, it's my sincere hope that now that Justice League writeups are nearing their end, we may get either Teen Titans or Batman : The Brave and the Bold.

I can't think of others beyond Black Canary and Silver Banshee, actually.

Oh wow, that was Hale? How did I never realize that before?

That's a great moment. I love her facial expression right before she freezes half of the Society.

This episode has the best exchange ever.

Can't say I'm surprised by that headline, considering how gross the sexuality in these books actually is.

It says ANDERS' FATE. That's it. Unclench, and please try to consider things that are far more worthwhile hills to die on than this one. I think it's probably pretty fair to say that anyone that was going to seriously play DA2 has likely done so by now. Games have a much different lifespan than films and books do. And

The article title just mentions GTAV's finale, and Anders' fate in a game that came out almost four years ago to the date. The former says nothing spoilery beyond that GTAV does, indeed, have a finale, and the statute of limitations on the latter has long since passed.

Yeah, I could understand going for them if you're just a completionist, but in terms of GTAV's overall story, I couldn't imagine anything but keeping the both of them alive.

I'd be really hardpressed to think of just one top pick, but one that's definitely in contention would be Samara's loyalty mission in ME2.

The movie's not very good, but the book upon which it's based, "The Club Dumas" is pretty great.

I don't think Dr. Z, Red Mantle & Dragoon will be there, as they gave themselves up to the OSI for immunity.

Teddy is a man of hidden depths. Like remember that time he saw a rat in a hat in a toilet, twice? Same rat, different hat!

I like that Teddy is actually good at something! I think an extra twist right that would've been kinda pointless, and make the b-story too complicated.

Billy Squier - Lonely is the Night