Brad Miller

There haven't been any expansions for single player, so you can't really say they abandoned expanding it.

Cosby was the first accused, many years before anyone else, including Weinstein. It’s unreasonable to expect them to be charged before Cosby, when they weren’t accused until long after Cosby. First in, first out; it’s very simple.

This show hasn’t been about aliens for a long time. In fact, wasn’t it established in the second movie that alien conspiracies were just a way for the government to distract the public from what’s really going on, being they they were actually experimenting in their own citizens?

All this means is that some people are so arrogant when it comes to their intelligence, that they don’t bother to question themselves. You know, the Socrates thing....

I lived in a storage unit for a while when I was a kid. Does that mean my lazy, alcoholic mom is actually a genius?

That’s why they call it a “’double’ fake out.”

Haha! I’m glad I’m not the only person that noticed that.

You’re open to the possibility of Lauren’s name being Laurie?

In the comics, women are mostly sex slaves for the saviors. But this only applies to female members of the saviors, not female members of others communities under the saviors thumb. Also, it’s sort of voluntary. Sex for protection. No one is forced, and actually, Negan deplores rape.

Na, it’s Negan. In the comics, he’s presented as being highly charming and charismatic.

One thing you need to understand about talk shows is that they are all rehearsed to some degree. At the very least, it’s pre-determined what will be discussed. So in the case of Anne Hathaway, for example, he had already heard the story and knew what was coming.