Brad Metzger

That's totally what it is. I made this point last week, but to me it was obvious when Eugene started spouting that shit about being part of the Human Genome Project that I realized he's playing another role to survive, but this time, he's doing it to also help others. He's keeping Negan's wives alive by not letting

The thing that gets me about these reviews is taking Eugene at face value on his alleged turning evil. He's the smartest character on the show. He knows full well that there is no fighting the current that close to the source. I thought that was pretty clear when he started spouting that "Dr. Eugene Porter of the

Somehow, they experienced WWII before the War of the Stars. Time travel, I presume. Bill & Ted style, with Vasiliy and his war crime victim/perpetrator grandfather.

The best part is that Eph basically seems to have forgotten about him except when it's integral to the scene, or to give a reason for him to fight some strigoi.

3 horses now. Rick's from the first episode. Michonne's from season 4 at the prison. Daryl and Aaron's from season 5. All walker food. Horses do not do well against the walking dead for some odd reason, even in wide open spaces.