Bradley Johnson

This should have absolutely no effect on my life whatsoever but still makes me kind of sad....

We need the likes of Garfield, TMNT, Sonic, all that late 80's to early 90's magic.

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

Sorry son...Rule 12 Section 2 Article 7 says: "It is a foul if a player initiates unnecessary contact against a player who is in a defenseless posture". Now you are probably saying - well now that's up to interpretation...but then they hit you with Section A which says..."Players in a defenseless posture

Agreed. Don't know as much about BPD but I have a friend with BiPo; my observation is that it/they is one of [very few] illnesses where one of the symptoms is that it tells you you don't have it -thus the vicious cycle. It takes an extraordinary humility and willingness for someone to admit "Maybe there's something to

Agreed. My mom was diagnosed (I say diagnosed because we always knew something was amiss) around the same time Marshall was coming out about his experiences. It deffinetly made it easier being a teenager and not understanding what my mom was going through to look at an athlete that I admired and know that my mom

A good old fashioned +1 for you

Amen. My ex-girlfriend has BPD, which manifested as intense emotional abuse of me that ultimately drove me out of the relationship. I applaud him for at least working at addressing it, its a terrible illness to deal with.

Wow,that was straight from the heart...and bold. Kudos to Carter for taking a brave stance on the subject.

1. If jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, then how di-

Now you guys are just fucking with me.

Adam Carolla has a perfect line about situations like this:

Nobody in the NFL, Roger? Mortensen just making shit up, is he? McManus too? Roger Goodell, moral arbiter of justice, wielder of both big mouth AND big stick, with a whole security team full of goons at his beck and call, didn't have anybody take a gander at a video everyone who followed this knew existed, when TMZ

They must be using a lousy microphone, because I'm watching these videos and all I can hear is a rhythmic slapping sound.

Now playing

This is all so confusing because Olbermann was wearing the EXACT same outfit when he went on his original tirade in August!

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. Goodell.