Bradley Johnson

"Upon seeing this, ESPN executives immediately set upon rectifying the situation: Terminating Beadle and apologizing to Smith and Bayless for any offense her comments may have caused."

I really think every Ray Rice story should end with, "And Josh Gordon is facing a 16-game suspension for smoking weed."

Oh, also, I hate myself.

Just do it.

After reaching first base, Pujols fired an imaginary arrow at Hamilton, which struck him in the chest and put him on the 60 day DL

All these viewers in DMA market #174 pissed off that they're missing the end of a soccer match. If that's not proof the sport has "made it" in America, I don't know what is.

CORRECTION: Arena Football Fan Gets Absolutely Wrecked, Leans Out Over Field

God, I would not wish that sort of pain on my worst enemy. Some people are glad this happened and it makes me sick. It's so sad, that sort of pain is killer.

I know. Trying to figure out how bad that beat down could have been if there was another goaltender in goal is kind of hard to comprehend

Say what you will about Keith Olbermann, few deliver eulogies quite like him.

Fuck, man.

Now playing

Dammit, I hate myself for forgetting to put this step-back three in the highlight reel above. This was right after the huge dunk. Manu rules:

you're watching every minute of the world cup, you say. it's mid-june. it's the greatest sporting event in the world. it happens once every four years. and you're saying you can't read other sports content'll have to scroll down a little further? that's your whole argument, no?

For years, scientists struggled to really prove, mathematically, why dividing something by 0 would make it undefined. Thank you Emory, you have done what was previously thought to be undoable.

To be fair, more blame for the austerity measures in Greece is due to Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff than the Athens Olympics. Yes, the Olympics are due a large part of the blame for Greece's debt, but Reinhart and Rogoff are the reason the Greece reacted to said debt with austerity measures. If Reinhart and

The World Cup can be done right. Look at Germany 2006, and look at how the DFB (the German soccer federation) used the event as a catalyst to reinvigorate their national soccer setup. Upon being awarded the Cup, the DFB completely overhauled how the country develops soccer players, forcing every club in the nation to

D. ?????

I don't have a problem with houses exploding per se, but on live television? What am I supposed to tell my kids?

Can't wait to read the FCC complaint letters next week! It's gonna be (for lack of a better word) FABULOUSSSSSS!

I call bullshit. Nobody clapped at the end of that movie. Defecated themselves, maybe.