
Also, is the vegetarian-eating-meat-again supposed to be some kind of pornish click-bait? It's just fucking cretinous and off-putting.

I came back to my high school classroom after three weeks today to find "Harambe is just a dead ape" written on my chalkboard, a counter-meme I've been repeating since late August. Maybe we've turned a corner. Also, no one had their dicks out and needed to be escorted from the room. Bonus!

Accidentally heard this guy shilling on the unspeakable Big Jay Oakerson's shitty radio show. BIG RED NOPE. Plus that green slawbortion shit on top of it looks absolutely vile.

Buzz is a mouth-breathing fucktard who probably lives in his parents' basement inhaling too much radon. Just block the assclown. I did.

Salon is so sad I can't even talk about it.

It was worthwhile when it was in print, and I enjoyed the books.

Thanks, Olaf.

Early police forces used them pejoratively in the 19th century.

It's more like a Crapture, since it's only leaving us surrounded by shit heads.

It's good to know that some people still value their dignity, decorum and right to privacy.

R. I. P. for a fine journalist of great integrity and strong ethics. Those are vanishingly rare these day, and she will be missed greatly.

I guess we can hope. My hoper is kind of broken right now.

Oh, he has a long, long history of destroying evidence and obstructing justice. He learned it from his Daddy.

Racist, racist reasons.

Thanks, Waffle.

Well, I just made an appointment with a therapist, I'm going to try to get referred to a psychiatrist and I may take a leave off absence from my job and apply for temporary disability. I'm a mess and my depression and anxiety meds are only helping so much. I just feel beaten and unable to cope.

Nope. They'll plug their ears, sing "La-La-La" and double down every time.

A lot of the best comedy comes from a place of deep-seated anger, and on Chappelle's Show Dave was finding catharsis through his art.
The key line from "The Niggar Family" sketch to always remember is "Oh, Lord, this racism is killing me inside!" Funny comes from ugly places lots of times. That's a big part of what


That may have been what caused the stroke. Also, if William Jennings Bryan is your Secretary of State, you're going to need something to read through all of that long-winded bloviating. "Of course I'm listening, Billy. Cross of gold, pieces of eight, all of that good stuff."