
You want to go on a Pratchett binge with me? That definitely will help!

Well, Gwen was right. The O. G. Onion's If You're Feeling Low, Just Remember That I'll Be Dead In 15 To 20 Years by Donald Turmp made me smile for the first time since Tuesday. Yes, yes he will, won't he! I hope it's horrible.

He lies like a 4 year old and they people who voted for him are fucking idiots.

Yeah, good luck. Those jobs aren't coming back, ever.

Yeah. They're dumb bastards. That has a great deal to do with why they are poor. No manufacturing jobs are coming back at all, ever. Most of them have been replaced by robots. The unions have been annihilated. It's never going to be like it used to be. It's a cruel, evil fantasy and they fell for it. They're suckers.

Mostly stupid, but that's pretty much the size of it.

You're the one who made yourself look stupid.

You know, I never blocked anyone on this site or the Avacado,
but I've blocked about 12 people since the election. Much better for my sanity.

"When Obama one." We've got ourselves a real thinker, here.

I'm getting too old to do this, too. It's not good for my mental health. I don't think I can handle another eight years of eating my own impotent rage. I may have to intentional stop caring so much.

Kasich is just as bad as Pence. He was just quieter about it,

Since the man is ENTIRELY MADE OUT OF LIES, I don't believe ANYTHING he has said. Everything he touches will turn to shit.

Well, she actually didn't want to go to jail.

Well, the Deporables are about to get fucked good and hard for 4 to 8 years. The more they suffer, the harder I'm going to laugh. Their going to continue to be unemployed, isolated have NO access to health care, but there won't be a black man or a woman in the White House. I hope the white trash who voted Trump in

Oh, they left out the "ME."

Can I buy some pot from you?


I'm too angry to cry, still. I'll probably feel better if I do.

Don't get too Knurd!

And he made Nixon look cute.