
1984 came out in 1948, right before Orwell died.

Got all four. Things are looking up!

Does your family cook coins in the sauerkraut in hopes for a prosperous New Year? That's probably the most German thing my family does.

Me, too! It was fucking awesome. I dipped in and out of it during Fallout 4 breaks. We were with my mother-in-law and our nieces from last Tuesday until today, and it was lovely.

A. V. Club people, stop giving shit to an excellent commenter whose English is more correct, fluent and idiomatic than some of yours is, please.

Two World Wars and a Great Depression without contemporary medicine. That's how Middle Aged people looked in the mid 20th century. Plus, they were neighbors and people socialized and joined organizations back then rather that clutch their smartphones and computers like a life support system. Nobody wanted to go

It was funny, but that shit got Southern Gothic DARK most of the time. It was very compelling, and my Mother loved it. I often watched it with her in syndication in the afternoons when we came home from school. Of course, my mother grew up soaking in Southern Gothic IRL, and had a huge extended family of ancient old

I think the key problem is that in Islamic tradition the state and the faith are seen as one and inseparable. What led to the Sunni-Shi'a split was who should head the Ummah, the entirety of the Muslim community, as political and spiritual leader. It's the reason ISIL/ISIS want to recreate a Caliphate.

They'll call you Dribbles for the rest of your life.

His parenthetical citation is execrable!

Type II Tea comin' right up!

Gifts For People We Dislike List. Done and done!

They're gonna love your nuts!

I'll keep using my VegBeaver, thanks.

Pardone Moi! Pardone Moi!

I'm gas gangrene and fiercely proud of it, Sir!

"My doctor tells me I'm the healthiest diabetic alcoholic he's ever seen."

You know you're going to lose,
And derivatives are for fools,
But that's the way I like it, baby
I don't wanna trade forever!

That's right, Babe!
And don't forget Chapter 11!

"I licked Lemmy's Mole. I'm More Metal Than You!"

"Didn't he nail your lower lip to a table, once?"