Bradley Armstrong

If they're so great, than why do I have such trouble remembering how they go an hour after I hear the album? I can't even pick out those synths you're so enamored of. By contrast, I was always at least somewhat interested in pretty much every minor song on The Suburbs, and the first disc of Reflektor is the closest

When I saw this review I thought that third season had actually gone through without me noticing.

I think it's sweet of The AV Club to include Anthropomorph-Americans in their diversity initiative, actually.

I'm giving all four albums another listen as I speak. I started with Neon Bible, and I can tell you now I don't really care for "Neon Bible", "Ocean of Noise", "The Well and the Lighthouse", "(Antichrist Television Blues)" or "Windowsill". That's almost half the album right there. No word on The Suburbs yet, but the

Normally I'd be perfectly fine with this sort of style (furry), and I still like the colors on this one and the fact that it was willing to get a little deeper and more experimental than the last two.

What kind of loser hasn't read every single My Year/World of Flops entry on this site? I mean, there's less than 300 of them. Come on, chop chop. If you start now, you can finish by next week.

I have a huge problem about this "no unnecessary elements" theory when it applies to fantasy and science fiction, because that puts more restraints on what sort of stories you can tell with those genres than I'm comfortable with. But I can kind of see where you're coming from with this comic, even if I think it still

I'm sorry, I can't agree with that. Not only do Suburbs and Reflektor have more good songs than Neon Bible, their good songs are better than Neon Bible's good songs.

Maybe I waited too long to watch it.

Rodney is the only good part of the movie, the only part that's legitimately shocking. That's because even though he joked about adult things, my mental image of him is stuck in goofy Caddyshack mode or that dumb cartoon where he's a dog. Not… THAT.

For me, Southland Tales is an exercise in having too many ideas for a movie to sustain, and one of the most transparent attempts of a director to get the cool, critical in-crowd to like him. If it hadn't failed so completely, it wouldn't bring me so much joy. And it's also far less ugly to look at and listen to than

I knew you were going to say that, and you're right. At least there's always the Animated Series.

I love how you're implying that the Tim Burton movies are also not good.

But it's really interesting if you're interested.

It's almost like art is more art than science, Morty.

I remember there being one writer on the AV Club staff who would probably egg your house for saying that, but no. I had to look up my favorite songs from that album ("Keep the Car Running", "Intervention", "Black Wave/Bad Vibrations" and "My Body Is a Cage") because I kind of forgot how most of it goes or thought

Also, regarding the list itself, I get where Anne Zaleski is coming from with Funeral. Everyone maintains that it's Arcade Fire's best and yet I much prefer The Suburbs and most of Reflektor. I could just never get into their debut as easily.

My personal bugaboo is Natural Born Killers. It's a pretentious trainwreck elevated beyond Southland Tales only in the sense that it focuses the attention-grabbing, empty, ugly stylistic affectation to one subject and thus knows what it wants to be about. But the fact that almost nobody unironically likes Southland

"Starland Vocal Band? They suck!"

I think she has a point about Peter's "perpetual youth" becoming a problem, though. Over the run of the comics, where Peter's gone from being a high-schooler to a married science teacher, he still acts like a teenager. I never really liked how he always sacrifices things outside of his superhero life in order to avoid