Bradley Armstrong

Too bad she didn't come with an actual personality until that new Loony Tunes show from a few years ago.

I can't hate on Space Jam, lame as it is, because it brought us Charles Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, the greatest video game ever made.

If you like schlock, that's your prerogative, but the AV Club isn't talking about Detroit like it's schlock. David Cage doesn't advertise his games like they're schlock, even though they've never been anything but. Since people at Telltale and Dontnod are writing rings around Quantic Dream, there's no good reason to

I feel alone in that I was never able to get invested in the first Scream movie, and so I never bothered with the sequels. A lot of the stuff alluded to in this column sounds really clever, but all of the meta commentary makes it really hard for me to care about Sidney and all the other characters. Also o, I'm baffled

It's weird that this article puts Claire Cameron's book on this list and says The Bear was great when the actual review of The Bear is terrible. Maybe Caitlyn PenzeyMoog should have written the review, too.

Fool us four times, shame on David Cage. Fool us five times, shame on the AV Club.

You're right. My first comment was childish, impulsive, and irrelevant, and the commenters on this site honestly deserve better than to read shit like that. I'm sorry.

I find it funny that somebody who writes on a website for Vox Day's publishing house is trying to criticize someone else for promoting a "facile and evil philosophy."

I hope that within my lifetime someone in America can make an animated R-rated drama that isn't also an Adult-Swim-style comedy, and that it can actually find an audience and validate the people who'd take a chance on it.

The Landis one is the only episode I've seen so far, purely because I wanted to watch them freak out about Neil Breen. What episode would be a good introduction to the rest of the series?

What the fuck? How did Love Interruption make it onto their playlist at all? Not that I'm complaining, because that song's awesome, but the lyrics are too violent for a movie like Sing.

I felt the reverse. Rey feels like a cipher compared to someone like Jyn.

I heard around the time that Steven Universe episode got censored in England that the stigma is even worse over there.

Oh God, I forgot about the real-life American Psycho 2 until just now. Thanks for nothing, jerk.

Like I said, they already had a perfectly good ending before the credits started, so it's weird that they put a dance party in after that.

I'm still pissed about that movie after I saw it as a child and I don't get why you're playing devil's advocate for it.

Same here. I'm sure they could have excised the dance party, but I don't remember how.

So which is which?

When the review humblebrags about how many Youtube personalities the original reviews inspired, I couldn't help but wonder how many of those successors have Red Letter Media beat in terms of being funny.

Oh, absolutely. I wish someone would edit the Plinkett reviews to completely cut out the live-action parts.