
Yes, one bad tweet from 6 years ago definitely means that the guy who gave us multiple profoundly nuanced and sympathetic portraits of various Black communities and the systemic racism responsible for the problems they face, based on his own experience working within those communities, needs lessons from recognitions

Dismiss recognitions.

That’s Mike Mitchell of the Doughboys podcast trying to save Jon’s stuff (and failing). 


The Molecular Man!!

When I lived in London in ‘16-’17, I would go to the Pizza Hut buffet if I was feeling amazingly homesick (two or three times). It was one of the few places you could get free drink refills. They had about 4-5 pizzas, a nacho bar (!), salad bar (with American dressings), and some desserts.

Is it me, or is this basically indistinguishable from the 'Worst' list?

Where’s Ex Machina? That film stuck with me more than most of these.


Yes, I know. A forced, groan-worthy pun that has little relevance to the trailer beyond the name of one of the actors and had me wondering for a solid twenty seconds what Adam Ant had to do with the movie.

Excuse me, sir or madam, but I have a completely fabricated image in my head of what I think Bruce Lee was like to defend.

The UK is straight up not a free country.  People are jailed for offensive humor and media is screened by literal thought police.   Apt for the land of orwell.

It seems kind of irresponsible not to point out that Lee’s appearance with Cliff is entirely a fabrication that didn’t really happen, and that Lee appears again in a training sequence with Sharon Tate in which he appears perfectly delightful, so maybe you just didn’t get the movie?

I think they may want shows people have actually heard of.  This show was not one of them 

We as a society really need to learn how to focus on moderation and health BUT I can't focus on that right now because "second-hand drinking" is a really stupid phrase and I move to ban it forever. 

most of the set is filmed by jonze in a close-up shot with a steadicam style rig. he introduced him because it would have been awkward to do an entire set with a cameraman standing next to you without acknowledging it

These perspectives all seem to be wrapped up in this very zealot-minded notion that any artful representation should be Scripture, like those Fundies who think the only book worth reading is the Bible. If any bad behavior isn’t presented in some grim, lecturing tone and immediately followed by severe and righteous

I’m so happy recognitions has been grayed.

This is what happens when The National Enquirer tries to get “woke”.

"House Of Cards" is my favorite song on "In Rainbows". So there.