To be fair, he found three tweets about it.
To be fair, he found three tweets about it.
Trying to speak for a gray area on the internet was a bad idea. I'll go away. Autism rules.
I'm not anti-vaccines. Just not into someone making light of autism. I'll tell you what's so terrible about it
Nah just comes from personal experience. It's not cool, it's a life altering motherfucker for your entire family.
It's not cool. There's a thread on here that autism is like the bomb dot com. A lot of autistic people require constant care and will never entire society and are a pile of twitches and are barely verbal. They're not nerds who know more about movies than you. It can be an incredibly debilitating illness.
Autism can be pretty awful. Like 24-hr care, you can never retire terrible. The comparison doesn't work
Got a light?
It means trivia questions I don't understand and unwatchable movies.
Did Coop come back this episode? Bad Coop died, but was tended to by sooty men. What Cooper are we dealing with now?
The mushroom cloud kind of looked the the arm (the new one).
People on twitter are jumping on this to push a narrative where Netflix hates women and "people of color" because of the shows it cancels. Nevermind those shows were greenlit in the first place. Not realizing Netflix is a business and makes money decisions.
Looks like Trent Reznor has been borrowing from the George Michael collection.
The mother of all Bobs.
How do people buy weed these days? I'm in a new place.
I wish they posted an address I could mail my brain to.
Do people think that Netflix isn't 100% about making money? They cancel shows that don't make enough money. And its not some vague Nielsen hearsay, they actually know the numbers. Try to launch a network based on woke twitter and we'll see what the numbers are. Netflix has never said they're your friend.
Is that a real Wu-Tang song? It doesn't cost 4 million dollars, and I don't have to conduct an elaborate international museum heist to hear it. You're saying I can just listen to it?
In earlier seasons it was such an intensely weird, original performance. Suzanne was my favorite character on any tv show. Now I dread that character showing up. You get what you wish for.
70,000 people in Europe died in 2003 when the temps got vaguely Vegas-y. And they weren't pounding Monster Drink and doing rails in front of DJ Shadow. This guy should sue himself for embarrassment.