The film was really, really good, but there’s no getting past Stand By Me or Shawshank. Any talk of any other films is just a bronze medal discussion.
The film was really, really good, but there’s no getting past Stand By Me or Shawshank. Any talk of any other films is just a bronze medal discussion.
I’m mad that this is good
As the meme goes: she's music for girls who think they're dark and twisted but are too afraid to order extra ranch at a restaurant.
“Your comments were not presidential. I know in my heart that you are better than that.”
Nacho Cheese is the superior flavor. It is the gold standard of flavored chips, it is abundant, direct, it has nuance but never betrays its original character, it is even a wonderful color. It does all this without even tasting that much like traditional nacho cheese, yet still being incredibly delicious and…
I was born and raised Republican. My mom and dad were R all the way back and like unto the frog in the boiling pot of water they didn’t notice the changes. They rammed it down my throat and even though I went to college in a city in NY I was one of those “Fiscal Conservative Asshole Republicans”. I voted against…
Nope. These are typically career attorneys who serve through several administrations. Attorneys have ethical obligations not to make misrepresentations to the court, and they are obligated to withdraw from a representation when the client puts them in the position of either lying or revealing something that will inure…
I think that’s true, but I also think Trump is genuinely frustrated at the fact that he can’t just do whatever he wants and Mulvaney happens to be the nearest figure he can lash out at for it.
What’s even worse is when it’s the rights that are lost and not the code or assets (I’m looking at you, No One Lives Forever).
Raymond Loewy vs. Lame & Showy
Seriously. Unbelievable snark that is close to hateful.
Thanks for telling me that LGBTQ representation doesn’t mean anything Jezebel. Fuck this brand of “feminism”.
When he was on SNL not too long ago, neither I nor my husband had ever really been acquainted with his style previously. During both appearances, he just kept on bringing out more and more guest stars, and we were both just baffled. So, this guy is just a hype man for other people, but somehow gets his own SNL…
Reading about it for a second I thought that somehow Dani Pudi was playing Abed , playing a character on the show he mentioned going to work on at the end of Community “‘30 Rock’ meets ‘The IT Crowd’ meets . . . well, me”
That game was so disappointing after the -stellar- trailer for it
I have a certain movie-themed costume from a few years ago that would just need a hammer
I have a certain movie-themed costume from a few years ago that would just need a hammer
She’s not going to date you, Don. Give it a rest.
I feel like every time I have 2 I want more, and every time I have 4 I feel kinda gross. My solution to this has been a perpetual supply of bulk mini Reese’s in my desk, which, without a doubt, is a net-less-healthy option.
Maybe this is why my wife insisted on living in a right to work state...
You’d think the MAGAs would be thrilled that finally someone is getting locked up because of Hillary’s emails.