
Yeah .. that's pretty spot on.

That won't matter much when my boot is coming down on his face.

Please do it by me so I can whoop your ass like the petulant child you are. Now MAGA it up little man.

I know … it's going to be great. MAGA

She'll be dead in 18 months and replaced by Peter Thiel and America will rejoice. MAGA!

Butt hurt much? A dose of MAGA will set you right and president elect Trump is the guy to give it to ya.

Yes indeed, his sway with middle America is only surpassed by the likes of Thomas Pynchon

Keillor is just the kind if preening snob that drives voters to Trump.

On no, I feel terrible about it.

NPR was upset because the proles weren't kind enough to the kinds of garbage thier special programs like Code Switch was churning out.

Does she have a brother or uncle muppets who will decapitate her if she talks to a non muslim?

Where did the muppet designers hide the explosives vest?

The number one movie was called: Ass. And that's all it was for 90 mins. It won eight oscars that year including best screenplay. … Idiocracy baby .. we are almost there .. even go our very own President Camacho.

Speaking from the perspective of a retired active duty, most every film about the military thats come from hollywood in the past 15 years portrays the armed forces as either 1) prop's in action flicks, 2) victims who cannot function in society, 3) blood thirsty homicidal maniacs or 4) props to reinforce the movie

They have antiwar "blockbusters" now?

I did.
It wasnt.
Any other questions?

I dont think the box office agrees considering the propagandistic dregs that have been trotted out over the past decade.

Wow, another anti-war blockbuster in the making! How fucking original.