Don't forget: trying too hard.
Don't forget: trying too hard.
Busy man, I imagine.
That was fast, dude; you need a hobby.
He doesn't even get the irony; that's the ironic part. It'd be funny if it weren't so disgusting, and typical. And yes, my calling him a man is presumption; I trust it's one I won't have to retract.
Who knew Hozier OR T-Swifty could be worse? Actually worse? It's almost impressive, in a weird, terrible way.
BREAKING NEWS: conservative ideologue is reactionary, racist, disingenuous, and preemptively defensive. Self-pity as a rationalization for hate-speech soon to follow.
"Don't fuck with Jessica Alba," yup; that's what my old man used to say when I was just a boy.
I *can't* be the only person possessed of the distinct impression that Don Lemon's entire public profile is an elaborate (and masterfully executed) piece of performance art, can I?