lol those dumb guys am I right ladies
lol those dumb guys am I right ladies
Floyd Mayweather is a misogynist. And not just a misogynist, but a batterer, and a serial batterer at that. This is a statement of fact that you will rarely see or hear from the professional boxing media, many of whom remain hopelessly dependent on the reigning box office king's goodwill for access.
Yes, loudly putting yourself out there and casting doubt on the moral superiority of the Gawker commentariat with no prompting is not about you at all.
So edgy.
LOL... you're nuts. You posted a comment here excoriating strangers for not ponying up dough like you think they should, and you asked for responses. Now you want to play the holier than thou game? That's excellent trolling. I think you're a shitty person for trolling, but you don't have to respond to me, honey. …
Any dissonance between your intentions and how you're perceived is solely the fault of your communications ability. You should be concerned about how often that dissonance seems to occur.
In our last "conversation," you characterized all Indians in America as such. So yes, I and other commenters took it personally, because that's how it was meant.
I know you're trolling. I know it. And yet I can't resist.
"Put down the Starbucks." Oh, girl, please. You go first. I'll pony up some cash for this poor lady next payday... right now I'm just trying to get through the next fifteen days while having only $40 to spend on food.
I'm an Indian person, so of course you attack me! You do it all the time, in fact.
"I'm not the boss of Jezebel."
Oh. I was commenting on your history of throwing out comments meant to attack people you don't even know, then waiting for the shitstorm to begin. I was saying, I hope you get the shitstorm you so sorely hope for.
Yes. It is completely fucked that you think a woman backed into a legal corner by poverty shouldn't be the subject of charity.
Thanks for putting words in my mouth, the only opinion I have of this story is I wonder how this is different than when I was running around unsupervised for hours at a time during the summer.
If Mayweather was in the NFL when he got arrested for battery, he would have been at least suspended because he was convicted. Comparing Boxing with the NFL is like comparing apples and trains. Boxing is a corrupt disjointed "organization", that desperately needs Mayweather much more than he needs them. The NFL is…
I don't know about the SFFD, but my fiance's friend just go into the SFPD and destroyed their physical test. What they described sounded less than I had to go through for the NYPD test.
"Wasn't I? And then something where I acted with an Oscar winner. "
"We both still have careers. Huh. I wonder who knows."