
Clinton was damn waste? The deficit might disagree with you

Is she really that popular, because I've never heard of herbivore.

It ridiculous that we can't learn about an era now because people are so freaked out about language. It's supposed to offend you. If you come out feeling bad about the use of the word, it's done what it set out to accomplish.

Agreed. We did something similar with the box, but without the gender segregation it went awry very quickly. I also think they did this with us when we were too young - grade 7. It's very hard to have a mature discussion with 13 year olds.

I think it was because of the (in context) use of the 'N' word.

Those kinds of teachers are the best. We had one who, when "To Kill a Mockingbird" was banned from the mandatory reading list, strongly, strongly recommended his students choose to read it anyway. Only one little turd in the class opted out.

Unless he has a record or it's found, it's pretty hard to filter out everyone who's done shit.

To be frank, without the legal action this would have never been resolved for Oberst.

i'll say this right now. He was no Marine. He was no soldier.

Can I quote you? I have 7 people that I need to say that to. PS-obtuse is my current favorite word, but not for fun reasons.

Epic. That might be the best story on the page.

That, for some reason, is the funniest thing I've heard today. Is that for real?

Why don't you practice what you preach?

Can't The View just go the fuck away already? It's like the TV version of Yahoo article comments.

He has a notorious rep for bullying directors into either expanding his role, or doing the film his way. IIRC, "American History X" was originally almost entirely about the younger brother (Edward Furlong), and the older brother (Norton) was a much smaller, supporting role. He also supposedly recut the final film

There are definitely male actors who are considered difficult. Marlon Brando was notorious. Bruce Willis, Val Kilmer, Mike Myers, and Edward Norton all have reputations for it as well. In Brando's, Willis's, and Bale's cases, it hasn't hurt them. In Crowe's, Everett's, Kilmer's, Myers's, and Norton's it seems like it

In my early 20s I worked at an Ohio amusement park that rhymes with Rings Ryland, selling fried foods at a booth and sometimes frying them myself, and on busy nights and weekends selling beer and pretzels under the fake Eiffel Tower. We had our share of idiots, like the entitled morons who did not understand why I was


~* fun hater *~

Because it's change, and change is scary. Scary things are bad.