
Oh, I absolutely agree that they should feel free to do so, if the man wants that. And I realize that plenty of couples have a genuine and shared conception (ha) of "their" fertility and reproductive plans that supervenes on but is practically distinct from the management of their individual naughty bits.

I chose dentistry because it's so obviously not termination of pregnancy. Which makes it just right to underscore the weirdness I feel sometimes when partner discussions are mentioned wrt abortion. People do probably talk a lot to their partners about their painful annoying disruptive expensive dental surgery, and yay


Because they hate people who transgress against their primitive notions of gender roles and want those people not to be comfortable anywhere on Earth.

Because they are vile people who think that transgender people should hold it until they get home to use the restroom. Or at least they pretend to be outraged so they can get paid, which is worse.

Why would you hope for any particular level of communication between partners about one partner's medical procedure?


i.e. Who the fuck knows.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your reflex to hide "raw" and very private commentary. That is a protective inclination. I am respectful and thankful. Most importantly, this is your thread. I respect your right to dismiss anything that isn't in the spirit of your thread.

I suspect that when people like these are confronted with the idea that gender is fluid, they go through some kind of existential crisis (WHO AM I???!!) and that makes them MAD!!!!!!!!! so the rest of us have to pay.

I know, it's so stupid. There's still going to be men-only and women-only bathrooms, so absolutely nobody is losing anything, but god forbid we take trans people's feelings into account and change the label on the extra bathroom.

What I'm confused about is how it's any different than family restrooms in the first place. Both sexes can go into family restrooms too — a mom can change her kid and so can her dad. I mean, I guess I understand why they might want to relabel it to be trans-inclusive, but it makes no sense to be mad about it when none

Because Obummer. Or something.

"What do you mean I make 75% of the salary of these two fools next to me?!?!?!"

Did you dismiss my reply? That's your choice to exercise. I respect that. But it took a lot of courage to speak publicly under my handle about it for the first time. So I'm hurt. That said, perhaps this is Kinja bullshit, in which case 1000 apologies!

Well, I was only four then, but I'm pretty sure the early 90s were *less* crazy on abortion than we are now. This is dumb and condescending and all different kinds of ick, but it's not scary the way things feel scary now.

I deeply appreciate that you're a pro choice, pro woman ally. A million times thank you for that.

She strikes me as the type that yells "First Amendment!" anytime someone chastises her for saying something stupid .

Last year, my daughters dressed in princess costumes for their birthdays, but the princess dresses are forgotten in the closet now, fortunately. I don't mind if they play dress up, but I want them to understand we dress for the activity, like school uniforms, nicer clothes if we are going out to eat, and more beat up

Because she's trashy. That's why.