
Yeah, yeah the judge - who is elected like the CT state prosecutor and therefore a politician - said all sorts of scathing things. Like the fact that Allen didn't know his kids pets' friends or pets names. The guy cranking out a movie a year is an absentee, lousy father - go figure. Doesn't make him a molester.

You don't know how this stuff works. That Vanity Fair article comes straight from Mia Farrow's mouth. They publish whatever she says and have had an exclusive, sympathetic deal with her since the whole thing started.

You can't hire investigators that overrule state ones. It's simply not possible.

Sometimes it's very objectifying for men, though. People yelling and cheering.

I am more offended by the stock photo Pietà accompanying this piece. What do they tell these woman in feeding photos to get these insipidly beatific looks on their faces?

How much coffee have you had?

You chose to eat at Denny's. You already rolled the gross and unsanitary dice and came up Snake Eyes.

They need to get a body paint artist before they go in.

That's not what I said nor meant. Plenty of people - myself included - have woken up next to someone they wouldn't have if they started out sober or a little more sober. It isn't always predation to have a few too many and end up in bed with someone. A walk of shame doesn't have to happen after something that was

I has cat as well.

Guys like you never talk like this in real life. It's all a show and a lame one. It's kinda pathetic.

Vanity Fair got an exclusive deal with Farrow when the allegations first happened to sell copies of their magazine and have been basically her mouthpiece ever since. All their pieces on him are hit pieces that toe Mia's line so they have access to her.

It isn't always predation but alcohol plus hormones makes things happen too.

Given this case, I can't call the evidence compelling at all and I pretty much always believe the accuser - there is almost never a reason to lie anyway. In this case, there was plenty of reason and motive at least on Mia's part to do so and I feel that Dylan has come to believe this happened over the years. It was

Another internet tough guy heard from.

Did you get it all out? I bet that was cathartic.

Cupcake, kiddo... All these stupid diminutives you employ aren't making you come off any more masculine. It just sounds dumb.

You realize that they check on these things, right?

I have an issue with people telling me too much too quickly and then resenting me because they have put themselves in a vulnerable position. People tell me everything - long plane rides can be exhausting. There's something about me that makes people tell me absolutely all the stuff they've pent up very quickly.

It's God's fetus, you are just a vessel for his miracles.