She will probably lose lots of sleep over your assessment of her character of one five minute outburst in the course of her life. I better not tell her.
She will probably lose lots of sleep over your assessment of her character of one five minute outburst in the course of her life. I better not tell her.
It was more how hard it is being a parent and how much having a cat changed her life. Didn't change cat lady's body, work schedule or work - SIL left lucrative job to spend more time with the kids, what she drives - SIL sold her beloved convertible, etc etc.
I bet you'd make a great mom.
It's harder to convince Doctors to spay and neuter human children.
Of course it does. In fact she likes to firebomb adoption agencies in her spare time and stays up late at night tracking down children on facebook who are adopted and tell them that their real parents didn't want them.
You didn't have to go through all that. There are kill shelters.
You and annoying cat lady would get along. Same flavor of annoying.
You want to see smug moms? Hang out in Noe Valley in SF.
Ridiculous is endlessly whining to mothers about how much you worry as a mom and what responsibility it is when you are a pet owner like this cat lady was.
Having a cat is not like being a mom. Cat lady person was being annoying anyway and always talks about her cat too much. Calling your pet your kid and saying your its mom doesn't make it so.
My sister in law was listening as a family friend said something like having a cat was just like being a mother.
Nuh uhn. No we aren't.
This writer has been in a few things I have seen on line. She isn't a terribly good writer but she has already learned the game of making a career of lifestyle buzzwordism.
I see a lot of what you are saying. The work I do is hypersocial - I am sure retail people probably have similar instincts. - and I can usually size someone up pretty quickly at work or otherwise. And whatever end of the spectrum social anxiety is, I am at the polar opposite. I will talk to anyone at all on the…
Bartender dude here who is gonna sound like granpa for a second. College women - or any women really, but you college gals are newer to drinking - DON'T match the guys you are drinking with drink for drink. Most men weigh a lot more than you and you will get shit faced twice as fast. It sucks that there are guys out…
Jindal has to try twice as hard to prove he's just like the voters in his state and that seems to spur on some of the crazier pols in Louisiana. It's like they are doubling down in the face of social change like marriage laws evolving elsewhere.
At his reelection celebration, one of his daughters - I forget who - noticed the crowd behind them wanted him to wave. So she tells him, he misses it at first and then he listens - he obviously pays attention to her regularly - to her and addresses the crowd behind him.
Prison usually makes people worse unfortunately but at least you can sleep more soundly during his sentence.
My saying it's not my bag is not the same as me not letting them do it.