The assistant part is some twisted Stockholm Syndrome stuff.
The assistant part is some twisted Stockholm Syndrome stuff.
It's not as if I am some super White Knight guy who doesn't know that - given the right mix of hormones and booze or other intoxicants - lines of consent can sometimes get blurry and all that stuff. Even among people with no real power imbalances, things can get hairy and messy.
There's also the whole - ''Oh c'mon honey. Look at it like a compliment. Powerful Guy in Your Chosen Field was just trying to get to know you. You know how artists are. And he knows so many people. You wouldn't want to cause a stir just as you are starting out...''
I don't often just believe anonymous accusations - too easy to make them. I don't know much about the fashion world other than briefly knowing a few models casually and hearing that it can be gross and exploitative but even for that, this guy is too much...
When you first started doing stories on this guy, I just thought he was a creepy asshole that had gotten on someone's wrong side. Now, it seems he is much worse. On top of being sleazy, pathetic and gross this is horrible and criminal.
Je me souviens, indeed.
And the COI has been awash in these kind of scandals and #NotAllLaundries and #NotAllOrphanages? Etc? These stories are a Catholic thing. That's as much a matter of economics as anything but still...
It is pedantic as fuck. How many St Mary's Homes for Unwed Mothers are you gonna find that far south and west? In a country that even today identifies as no more than 3% COI and the largest concentrations being up by Dublin?
Maybe your school was better funded than other schools.
Nope. Like actual scalding hot metal brand that hurts and ouchies you. Google it and you can find videos and stuff of them doing it. Too gross for me to post.
Maybe so, but that kind of bonding ritual shit is as old as the hills - and I wasn't about to say anything like that to those dudes.
You have to just go slow the first times you do it and think of it as totally different from shaving the old way. There are plenty of resources online.
I would be a little wary of shaving boy or girl junk with one but I imagine practice makes perfect.
In tips, Old Money and some kinds of self made people are best for tips - these types are usually people who are working class who have made good, like plumbers and electricians and such. Also demographically, gay men are great tippers usually - but women bartenders and servers tell me that they don't get as good tips…
Gay pizza. Gay pizza. What toppings are on Gay Pizza?
I didn't last long at USC, since it is like 85% greek and I was kinda allergic to that whole scene but some of these dudes were in my classes with their fresh burn scars.
All the old parish churches where I grew up in Philly are closing and half of the ones left have ancient congregations and the priests are all from the Philippines or Nigeria - the current cool pope notwithstanding, these guys will run the church in the future and they are SUPER conservative.
I was never in a frat but lots of friends were. The black frat hazing just seemed like Navy SEALS shit to the other frats' McHales Navy. Those guys were way more into it. And on the one up tip, the Omegas I knew one upped to the point of having like five brands because one didn't cut it.
No harm no foul I am just not seeing whitewash.
Omegas are fucking crazy. A lot of these dudes brand themselves with Omegas in such a way that they can never be seen without the brand. A little one on the hand or neck, a big one on the thigh or upper arm or chest and plenty of dudes have multiple brands.