Maybe so, but that kind of bonding ritual shit is as old as the hills - and I wasn't about to say anything like that to those dudes.
Maybe so, but that kind of bonding ritual shit is as old as the hills - and I wasn't about to say anything like that to those dudes.
You have to just go slow the first times you do it and think of it as totally different from shaving the old way. There are plenty of resources online.
I would be a little wary of shaving boy or girl junk with one but I imagine practice makes perfect.
In tips, Old Money and some kinds of self made people are best for tips - these types are usually people who are working class who have made good, like plumbers and electricians and such. Also demographically, gay men are great tippers usually - but women bartenders and servers tell me that they don't get as good tips…
Gay pizza. Gay pizza. What toppings are on Gay Pizza?
I didn't last long at USC, since it is like 85% greek and I was kinda allergic to that whole scene but some of these dudes were in my classes with their fresh burn scars.
All the old parish churches where I grew up in Philly are closing and half of the ones left have ancient congregations and the priests are all from the Philippines or Nigeria - the current cool pope notwithstanding, these guys will run the church in the future and they are SUPER conservative.
I was never in a frat but lots of friends were. The black frat hazing just seemed like Navy SEALS shit to the other frats' McHales Navy. Those guys were way more into it. And on the one up tip, the Omegas I knew one upped to the point of having like five brands because one didn't cut it.
No harm no foul I am just not seeing whitewash.
Omegas are fucking crazy. A lot of these dudes brand themselves with Omegas in such a way that they can never be seen without the brand. A little one on the hand or neck, a big one on the thigh or upper arm or chest and plenty of dudes have multiple brands.
Train him with the judicious application of Pavlovian BJ's?
You're splitting a ridiculous hair. Anyone who wouldn't know that the Ireland is mainly Catholic and would be misled by the headline because they are too dim to go well enough into the story is the same kinda person who thinks Ireland is right next to New Jersey or something.
Gives you good whacko reading material too.
Tell your man to wash his face in the shower with Noxzema. Tell him to do it first and leave it on his face the whole shower and only wash off when he is ready to shave. If his Flinstone beard is that thick, shaving in the shower itself might be for the best anyways but the Noxzema will soften everything up a good…
You're laying it on a mite thick. What you're saying doesn't make sense. Jezebel is calling attention to this story and covering it up at the same time? C'mon now.
Lol, my niece dumped like half a bottle of that stuff on herself one time because she liked how it smells.
You think Jezebel is white washing that they're Catholic? When it says ''St. Mary's'' right there in the first sentence of the second para graph. That's a stretch. It's like having a story about Madrid without explicitly saying that they are speaking Spanish - it's a given.
This is why Catholics in Ireland have abandoned the Church in greater numbers and more quickly than anywhere else. They know what's happened and they are going after the Church and the perpetrators. I don't think there is a lot of hush this dirty laundry type attitude there any more at all.
C'mon, do you think in Ireland at the time it would have been anything other than Catholic - unless in the six counties - and that every one wouldn't understand that?