Brace and Break

He’s like a shit onion. You always knew he was shit but then you see there are LAYERS to his shit.

Fuck R Kelly and all of his enablers. Not only did he rape Aaliyah, he used her to lure other young girls who were her fans to shows to prey on them. While I was never into Kelly (I was too young and also thought he was a creep) had I been a teenager at the time I almost certainly would have tried to see Aaliyah

New Orleans is one of my all time favorite places so I can’t write the whole state off. But honestly once you go too far off the beaten path in ANY state you’re going to run into racist, dumbass fucks. That’s why I never take the scenic routes.

I mean, I think it says that if you are trying to represent a district with a large Jewish population who vote frequently and strategically, maybe just lay low on the Israel thing until AFTER the election. 

Yeah, this take was lazy and unnecessary. Politics gets political. News at 8. 

No worries! It only kills the fatties!

Oh my god he’s so dumb he makes my eye twitch. And the thing is he LOOKS dumb! How anyone can take that man seriously is beyond me. 

It seems like a shorter work week would also help the economy, no? When people have more free time they do more. Going out to eat, buying a boat to take on the lake, buying a travel trailer, going to concerts and sporting events would be way easier if we weren’t working ourselves to death.

From CNN

BRUH, it’s about recognition. If I write a song and then someone records it and doesn’t give me credit that’s wrong. There are lawsuits about those exact situations. Nobody is saying you can’t do the god damn humpty dance, but I’d take issue with you claiming you invented that dance. That’s the entire issue. That is

So we think we’re oppressed? It’s all in our heads? Lord this comment is dumb.

Something small I meant politically speaking and behind closed doors as is tradition. I’m not holding out hope that he’ll publicly condemn Israel, though he should.

Netanyahu is about to play himself. This whole mess has real wag the dog vibes. He doesn’t want to go to jail so he decides to poke the bear and raid a mosque during holy month for reasons? But bombing a building that housed media was a bridge too far (as far as government appearances go). Biden’s probably going to do

What’s the “we”? You realize that a primary happens, right? So maybe those who bitch about Obama not doing enough voted for Sanders, but Sanders didn’t win more votes than Biden. I’m not sure what how that connects.


They didn’t give us Biden. He won the primary. End of story. And even though he wasn’t my choice I highly doubt Warren or Bernie would have beaten trump. Yeah, I said it. It’s time to let that shit go. 

More like Andrew W.K. is engaged to that girl. Would it have killed you to use his name?

I actually clicked on the Page Six link, saw a picture of Sydney Chase, and said out loud “Oh Tristan did that shit”. She’s EXACTLY his type. Basically an amalgamation of all the other women he cheated on Khloe with.

I personally don’t think there are many circumstances where it’s appropriate to joke about sexual abuse and pedophilia…”

Frustrating. If you’re against the death penalty you need to be against it all the time, even for sacks of shit like this.