
Meh... it’s a wish list. The Congress has to come up with a budget. That is entirely their purview, according to the Constitutional separation of powers. Lately, it has been fashionable to just do a continuing resolution that automatically inflates the budget by 10% to 15% annually. Taking responsibility for economic

Yeah you, I’ll tell you something

If it weren’t for the census, Bernie Sanders may never have gotten a sort of real job. He certainly wasn’t going to punch a clock. That is for losers.

I’m just hoping I won’t have to fill out a fifteen page, highly invasive questionnaire that makes it seem like the government is looking to confiscate my home and use it to house people after it assumes total economic command and control and rescinds all rights to private property.

Did you know that the President has the authority to classify or de-classify and discuss whatever secrets he deems appropriate? Weird, huh?

Finding a human among them, the pod people stand and point, mouths open in a silent scream.

Borders are where the authority and power of a governing sovereignty end. obviously, there are always going to be people who have governmental authority, or covet that authority, who desire no limits to their power. And you should be happy to serve them and allow them that power, if only to destroy all their rivals.

Obama did not spend eight years taking away guns. Obama spent eight years building up the public fear of firearm technology, automotive technology and pretty much any technology that should be reserved only for the rich and powerful and can only be disastrous if allowed to fall into the hands of the non-governing

But life should be easy. I should never have to face consequences or have to make difficult choices or forego pleasure to prevent future unhappiness. How, in the name of all that is holy, can the world be so mean?

Only “over half”? Let’s talk about Big Oil.

All taxes are paid from production. There is no other wealth. Returns on investment are taken from production. Higher taxes on capital gains requires greater returns on investment. The belief that we can tax anybody other than those who are productive is based on the fallacy that money has value. Money has only the

You forgot to mention that capital gains are profits made on investment to enable the means of production. The “rich” don’t hold their money. Their money is all out there being risked to allow others to increase the common wealth.

Seems like only yesterday that people were outraged that Napalm Girl was being removed from the web tubes for being naked.

Vote 4 Pedro.

I’ve got about seven billion more, just like that one.

Don’t argue with experts.

No fuel is burned locally. But 66% of the electrical grid is powered by coal and natural gas, at 33% each. Good thing we didn’t outlaw coal burning or stop fracking, which would make driving your new Volt, or even charging your phone, a new experience in paying more for bad government.

I don’t know... I’ve been told by many internet physicists and climate scientists that snow doesn’t cool things, only radiant emissions through the vacuum of space can cool things.

Sounds like a bran muffin, a cup of tea and a B-complex supplement might be worth a try.

Have you tried soaking them in Downy, allowing them to dry, and then throwing them in the dryer with your wet laundry? I bet they will work really well until the Downy is all used up.

Have you tried soaking them in Downy, allowing them to dry, and then throwing them in the dryer with your wet