
They have a bit of forested land. It seems that global aridity is a real thing, so forest fires can be a real problem when the rains that created the forests aren’t reliable over time and things start to dry out. Being able to establish a fire break or a fire lane in a wild fire area is worth building this thing all

Thus saving the world from another impending Robot Apocalypse, thank you very much.

There is a special place in the Nether World for the people who designed and implemented American roundabouts, or Cluster Funways, whose purpose is to impede traffic rather than to facilitate its movement.

That scene would be far funnier if it weren’t played out in slow motion over eighteen months in every Presidential election year.

Oh look! Filthy, bottom-dwelling carrion eaters. Yay!

You got the entire intent of the article just from the picture? That’s pretty good, really. Boiled down to its essence, the article says;

Things are always cool at the poles. This is due to the low levels of sunlight and the angle at which it strikes, combined with the large amount of atmosphere it has to traverse before reaching there. this coolness is exported, or rather thermal energy is absorbed, because the polar regions are the heat sinks for the

“When the football team shows up, go home. The party is over.”

The autoerotic asphyxiation car is for reals?

Brilliant. Loved the visual support material.

I imagine you expect me to leave the room to venti.

Thank goodness we will never be plagued by prohibition, false prosperity in a failing economy and fake spirituality again. We've really learned our lesson and will never take advantage of the gullible sheep like that ever, ever again.

So true. They never intended for things to be all automatic so a failure to reach an agreement would only affect less than 30% of spending.

Do you consider Thinkprogress a valid source of information then?

If we presume that the original goal was to feed the sheep.

Give credence? Where? I wrote that the available statistics would place it from a low of 3% to a high of 12%, and that claims of 90% or greater were unsubstantiated.

Good enough. I haven’t, as I have already stated, seen them.

It says that there is nothing in the HEAVILY EDITED version.

But you can give Planned Parenthood half a billion dollars every year.

I haven’t watched the video. Have you?