
I happen to be a cop as well and against my better judgment, I tend to skim through the comments in blogs like this. Bottom line, no matter how impartial or well-intentioned your post was, you’ll be attacked by all the keyboard commandos and SJWs just by virtue of your profession. People don’t understand that a 20

Didn’t they already run a plot line similar to this with the Governor? This faction vs faction shit is what has me losing interest. And this one seems pretty predictable: an ultimate showdown between the Saviors and the Kingdom. How about some fresh ideas? like maybe address the origin of the virus. The who, what,

I’ve always thought he looks like Squidward. And a douchebag.

Funny you used a photo of Kaepernick wearing a Fidel Castro shirt during his great campaign against the top of an article aimed at someone else’s lack of self-awareness.

Funny you used a photo of Kaepernick wearing a Fidel Castro t-shirt during his great campaign against the top of an article aimed at someone else's lack of self-awareness.

I had to scroll awhile, but I finally found a rational comment from a (seemingly) credible and intelligent person. Rob Ford was a white conservative male with power/fame/money, which I guess made him an easy target for these writers.

While your logic is sound, you picked the wrong site to criticize black people. This is Kinja. Where BLM looting and burning heavily-populated cities > white people peacefully taking control of a remote building. Where you come to let the white guilt surround and penetrate you.

This is a Kinja blog, so the police are ALWAYS the bad guys.

Well said, but I'm afraid you're wasting your time here.

"Filed to: BAD COPS". Yeah, OK. I love this site, but man I get sick of the cop-bashing. Watch that video and tell me what they did wrong. They initiated a legal traffic stop (after being led on a low-speed 'pursuit' for 3 miles) and subdued (tasered) the guy when he refused to obey reasonable commands. Rule #1 when

I'm so sick of hearing about his leg. Defenses have caught up. It's as simple as that. Same with Kaepernick. I know it's taboo on this site to criticize a black QB, but it's hard to ignore the fact that all of the best QBs can read defenses and throw from the pocket. RGIII and his ilk ("running quarterbacks") cannot

Asshole. +1

