Silence will fall.
Silence will fall.
Just when I start trying to like Webber he says something stupid. Dude shut up!
What about Brazil?
Combined is the keyword in my reply. (horrible sentence structure though)
Actually you make a good point. Although my main point is that Serenity would've gone against Star Wars, ESB, etc. a lot earlier instead of making it to the finals unmatched really.
Serenity got it easy. If it had went against Alien or Many of the films on the left, I bet it wouldn't have made it.
I think Greer is going to die of infection.
The Abyss lives!
I believe so.
Doctor Who reference?
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I thought it was already known that Joshua would die? King might turn to their side though. (my $.02)
I agree with you Esther, I see too many sad endings in real life; I want to be entertained by something that will not make me feel like stabbing the writers and burning my money.
Their moms and pops do.
Spock and The Doctor, working together, an alliance.
Maybe you guys should read the article (mentioned as a link in the text "the battery was spent") before posting. I agree that more information should be provided though.
I started it when it first came out. Imagine watching Smallville and Firefly or Dark Angel every week. Yeap good times.
Didn't he have some sort of invisibility cloak (stealth abilities) when engaged?
I was thinking that too; although I guess it could be considered a time machine or a multidimensional ship?
Hmm are you sure about Peter being a father?