
Whores and TNB, a winning combination!

This is why they are not a good football program. Win at all costs, players and students are disposable, there will always be new ones.

Most likely

I didn’t find it particularly disturbing, looked like he just pushed her down. Guess I’m just desensitized to violence. 

Ray Rice


Yes, God forbid people with money buy property in cities. We should keep them as ghetto as we can, don’t won’t any working citizens in the hood.

Damn, I need to become a slumlord.

Maybe Trump’s a genius. Get on good terms with Taiwan, Russia, the Philippines, just need to get Japan to become aggressively militaristic. Soon China is surrounded by enemies.

Maybe they should stop drinking gasoline.

None of those words bother me for some reason.

Wow, what a useless whore

That’s their job!

Well they will be doing less stop and frisk then, so the minorities should be happy.

Not really a Trump fan, but he won fair and square.

I’m good, it should be an interesting 4 years.

Pipelines are great, I support DAPL.

Trump doesn’t care about black people!

Obviously she was fed up with trying to teach these animals. Most of them probably will be shot within the next few years, wasting money on trying to educate them is a lost cause. I used to have to interact with the citizens of inner city Baltimore as my job, and honestly, it is hopeless.

Tell them to go back to Saudi Arabia or wherever they came from.