
I thought the face bandages were a nice nod to Hitchcock's The Lady Vanishes.

Would that be the flames of Hell?

I noticed it and it was fun to a point - I just thought it didn't add anything to the story or episode and I thought it was distracting from the essential plot developments.

"He'd have been knifing and asking "Who" and getting no answer… would have been a great tragic coincidence. " - Wow, that observation is soooooo dark. I didn't think this episode could get any darker - but you just did it! Not that that's necessarily a bad thing . . . but man!

Yeah, well I had to look it up without even knowing what it was. I've seen them, I've just never had to name or describe them.

I have a theory about Lester - I think he's going to morph into a Malvo like predator but sort of for the good guys. I think he is going to take Malvo down.

I liked that facade of Lester's house - it glistened like a sugary gingerbread house and the quoins looked like white icing. (I've never seen that kind of facade - has anyone seen anything like it in their neighborhood?) There are some cool and dark fairy tale elements in this show.

Bonanza! That was a good one. Thank you. And while we're at it, in addition to Fargo, let's add another movie reference to the mix - Charles Laughton's amazing Night of the Hunter (scheduled to air on TCM this Thursday). The sought after treasure; the cosmic orphans (of all ages); Malvo's assumed identity as a

Molly may know her way around a washing machine, but she's no laundress, though - she just couldn't get that shirt to fold. (Maybe she was distracted)

Maybe it's her husband.

Clown looks out of shape.