That interior shot literally hurts my eyes.
That interior shot literally hurts my eyes.
Cunt seems to get an even better reaction.
“Ford the river and Probe the Father” never really caught on outside of the rural-proctologist demographic.
What do they have against the American Kennel Club?
As an avid Alfa owner, do I care if the infortainment system works in my Most likely $70K plus new car? Yes! Yes, I care very much!!!!!
All I see is a handgun, or maybe a cordless drill.
Pickles are fucking delicious with barbecue!
Gold. No, platinum. Quadruple platinum.
FICO score looks like a good day at the golf course
Dogs > skylines > pot
I thought the same thing. But it could be a combination of many truths. I still think Currently Un Named TV Show was the best idea