
Hell yeah. My cousin was a Warlord pilot.

The Prowler. Interesting styling, and potentially good theme ruined by a measly V6 and automatic transmission.

I’ll never understand how BMW essentially take a better looking Z3, added a lovely V8, gorgeous styling, and it’s ruined.

Is this real?

Black on black will always be classy in my book.

What I’m seeing and what I’m hearing don’t add up. I loves it.

I'd still prefer something a little more 'functional'

I love that these turn water into rooster tails into clouds at an absurd speed.

How to add 4 MPH to your top speed in just 2 weeks!

I’d love to take one, but I already put a deposit down on this...

I’ll have to take your word for it. I’m sure this is one car I’ll never get the chance to see in person.

I like the idea of it without stickers. Perhaps all red....


Weird. Pagani/AMG seems to have figured it out.

Chris harris, evo, xcar, autocar, they all seem to get track access.

Glad this was posted. I've been having carbon buildup issues with my E39 and currently planning a teardown this weekend.

I'm almost positive that's my ex's step dad.

It's a 20mmx102. AKA 20mm Vulcan

5.) Mt. Washington Hill Climb