Desperate for a Shag Giles

How the fuck do you deport the parents with the children god knows where? They’ve orphaned them all. Anyone who supports anything about this deserves to be fucking shot.

Yeah saw that. But only the “bad hombres” right who “gamed the system”?

Oh yeah I saw that just restating the obvious cause that’s all I have the energy for. Happy fucking friday.

Next up is stripping away citizenship. For real, no immigrant is safe here.

Doesn’t mean they can’t try to take it away which, come on. I’m sure they’ll look into it anyway.

Eh he’s just trying to stay ahead of Beto. Considering he (Cruz) supports the same shit the Nazi Republicans do.

And yet gets the lovely, sympathetic write-up in her local news.

I assume they did it to terrorize and force compliance (whatever that was) from the mother/grandmother. “Don’t make me shoot your child” style. Scum.

- ROTJ special edition’s CGI-enhanced musical number

Oh yes I’m sorry, speaking for those like myself only. But that’s what I meant to be implied I guess, you’re absolutely right.

Oh I’m just extending it out to all types of “foreign entry” cause let’s be honest...

So eventually they will prevent (or make virtually impossible) any immigration into the US, ban abortion, gut reproductive health so all us healthy women can indefinitely populate the country with model Americans.

Oh gee. A mass murderer with a history of violence and harassment against women.

Oh god I hope he doesn’t have a twin

He also probably doesn’t understand what a primary is.

We can only hope that this was an isolated and rare circumstance that will never happen again

Nah you’re still a cunt for that comment and mindset. You neither understand mental illness nor care to try.

Same institutions that punish students by taking away their access to education (suspensions, expulsions, etc) so it’s fitting I guess.

Yep, perfect non-apology and I mean that in a good way. It’s the rare moment when a non-apology works.

Darn founding fathers using the wrong darn preposition.