So for showing too much shoulder at school her punishment stay longer at school.
So for showing too much shoulder at school her punishment stay longer at school.
Idiots and/or keen on telling everyone their (perceived) mistakes.
You knew he was joking but wasn’t sure he was joking? Just take the L.
Dude everyone knows about Paris, Texas.
But all these heroes saying they’d be dragged off a plane before they’d comply!
I had permed bangs as a kid. We all have our moments.
I thought they were professional catapultists. Or was it tunnel diggers.
It’s all connected my friend.
The Holiday was pretty solid Golden Globes material imo.
Brown kids though so there’s the pass.
Except for the “activist” and “means well” characteristics
I have a Trump loving relative (who’s in local politics) that was *this close* to taking her 16 year old granddaughter to go get an abortion. Alas, instead she opted to let a child (with a history of mental illness and drug abuse) have a baby she didn’t want and won’t be raising (that duty is now on said relative).
What are you, the great plan police?
To be clear, these are rhetorical because it’s a stupid fucking idea and one they obviously haven’t fleshed out (nor can it be fleshed out really cause it’s a stupid fucking idea). These are not merit based questions but what the fuck are you thinking questions.
Endless questions, zero answers really. What if the teacher is shot and incapacitated. Or not in the classroom at the time. Will the kids be able to get the gun to defend themselves?
Is that something like penis envy?
Would schools be required to disclose how many and which teachers are packing? Could parents pull their children out of schools that allow concealed carry? Or refuse to allow their kids to be in those teachers’ classes? Or is this some new don’t ask don’t tell bullshit.
How DOES she do it all?