Desperate for a Shag Giles

There is actually a lesson here. It ain’t about a crockpot though. It’s about the smoke detector. Batteries people. It’s easy to blame the crockpot but he could have survived had the batteries been replaced in the smoke detector.

Down the street from me there’s a Chase directly across the street from another Chase. Oh and a Randall’s, Kroger, HEB, Walmart, Target, Sam’s, and Costco all within about a mile of each other.

Over the years, thousands died attempting it.

He’s playing dumb, obviously his comparison of a 30-something woman to a 50-something man was meant as an insult. Why else say it? There are plenty of women who have similar hair/styles she could be compared to, whether in a flattering light or no. (In a mood, not at you)

In the land of “I’m the better feminist” “No - I’M the better feminist” it is.

I for one just hope he’s been thoroughly vetted. Can’t be too careful.

I’d say end the meal with Swedish Fish but since they aren’t American maybe that’s a no-go.

No, Jesus.

My 7 year old, non-Spanish speaking nephew tried to do Despacito at karaoke. It went about as expected.

Into my sister’s North Face jacket, while in the back of an ambulance, after spending 7 hours trying to get out of the mountains, after she broke her leg hiking, two days into our trip.

In my (Texan) city there’s a story making the rounds on Twitter about a DREAMer kid beating a fellow student to death. Outrage! Build a wall! Kick them out! They’re all criminals! But I’m sure these people just sent out thoughts and prayers after Sandy Hook, Pulse, Las Vegas, et al. Disgustingly predictable.

Sessions is coming for you now

Could be Butte.

This is a desperation move for trump.He knows he has no real support left.

Savannah. I’m going with Savannah. (said in my best Kevin Spacey accent)

I don’t know how many of them are “regulars” or just hijacking.

I would definitely drink hot chocolate in a hot tub watching the t-bar go past the window.

My boss started having contractions at work, left during the day saying she’d be back tomorrow, had the baby later that night.