Desperate for a Shag Giles

Yeah they’ll be the next wave of “burn it all down”

Not sure how they get hatred of sexuality out of women wanting to be able to own their own sexuality whilst not getting harassed or assaulted. For example, wearing clothing that makes you feel sexy/confident but that far too many think “asks for it.”

Would have been something to see nary a woman in the audience or on stage, that’s for sure. Walk-outs don’t come without sacrifice.

Very weird and very explainable litmus test. Also a very clear-cut example her having to be 2x (or 3 or 4) as good to be even considered among the greats.

Soon as she started wielding too much of the wrong kind of power.

Yeah I was reading through it (or trying to - not a lawyer). What I gather is that the lower court ruled that Tharpe didn’t prove that the jurist’s opinion affected his vote which means it didn’t overcome the procedural default. Quick google means he didn’t follow appeal procedure and, had he proven that, the default

Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch were the dissenting justices.

Hachi you’re so relatable

yeah but she’s still burping and farting and eating entire pizzas and talking about it

Yeah, I don’t blame them to some degree. Every man who has come out with a statement, whether on his own or initiated by someone else, has had it analyzed down to the damn syllable and taken to task about how it’s not adequate. Some of that was warranted (Damon, stfu). Some of it not (Hanks, by all accounts).

See also any Deadspin article about Serena. ‘Yeah but there’s no way she’d beat [male tennis player].’

Though I meant ‘this’ more in the sense of America. Or living in America. Or being American.

Christ on a cross this is embarrassing.

See also many takes on the Women’s March and March for Science et al. “But what are they actually doing?”

You haven’t heard of that great scientress Marie Curie?

Oh it’s not a bad thing. Just doesn’t work for me here.

Thing with black dresses is I can’t really tell what’s going on with them. Least not in these small photos.

Well damn I can’t tell. They suddenly look alike.

I mean, the boy might die so...maga?

Or Holocaust...