What’s up with his teeth. Is he wearing invisalign. Or a bite guard. Or chiclets.
What’s up with his teeth. Is he wearing invisalign. Or a bite guard. Or chiclets.
Oo oo are they selling tickets to spit on his body? I ain’t got a rainy day fund for nothing.
Probably blini.
I’ve never been particularly close with that part of the family. Plus I live a couple hundred miles away. But that won’t stop me from trying. And I certainly have no problem calling them out on any shit or, in a more diplomatic way, opening up discussions. The rest of the family nearby (to them) probably won’t have a…
This heathen tree worshipping pagan has a fake black tree with red lights cause we are in hell and because I’m allergic to real Christmas trees.
So you can bury your head in the sand and talk about people paying the consequences for their choices and have more people suffer the same sad outcomes as your cousins,
Who is responsible for this horrible measure?
Oh no, the budget is presented as a pop-up book isn’t it?
This makes me even more worried. My 16 year old cousin just had a baby the other day; the father is black. Cousin is an extremely troubled, angry, violent young woman who engages in high risk behaviors. As such the little baby girl will really be raised by her mother/grandmother who are vile, racist people who full on…
So the odds he’ll be confirmed?
Thousands of them, consequently millions.
Snatching a purse and jacking a car are not of the same severity. They ARE, however, equally unacceptable.
Yup. A permanent underclass that is too poor, too powerless, has too few resources to fight back.
This is the type of vegan everyone loves to hate
Mine’s called Lil’ Boss. I don’t get it but it’s adorable and the little booger loves it.
My reactions as I scrolled through those charts:
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.
I dunno, according to some people here you’re a troll...;)
What does the comb forward look like in the back???