Desperate for a Shag Giles

Oh yeah we who have been the victims of sexual assault feel so fucking cool right now.

If he’d done anything since birth the right would have found it, there’s that glimmer of hope. Now, as you said, it’s making sure he stays a decent person. Fingers crossed.

This has nothing to do with Dirt Bag but I started watching The Switch with Jason Bateman and uh who the hell thought this was a good idea for a romantic comedy? Hijacking pregnancies? Swapping out some other guy’s semen for his own so she is unknowingly impregnated by a man not of her choice?? The fuck.

Saw this on Buzzfeed and it’s wonderful and true.

I’d like to know what about carrying a knife is suspicious enough that someone calls the police. Is it illegal to carry a knife around in WI? Was he threatening anyone with it (if he had one)?

Just imagine if one of these girls had been a teenage boy.

Gah sumatriptan works well for me but I feel like I got hit by a train after; every muscle is sore. Then there’s the hot flashes, flushing, tight chest. First time I took it was at work and I had to leave. It’s not unbearable though.

Interestingly for me, I started getting migraines regularly (several times a week) when I went on an estrogen based contraceptive. That lasted for years, exacerbated by lack of sleep. Earlier this year I switched to a progestin only implant and have had maybe 1 or 2 since.

I’ve been MIA from the news today so I thought I missed what would be major legislative news. Thank you!

Please please please let this be a preview of 2018.

I just use it to bitch to customer service departments. Most are pretty responsive.

Man, I can’t find it now but someone posted a tweet with a list of NRA talking points after a mass shooting. Number two was to argue about the definition of assault rifle. Checks out.

Add to that, they don’t think domestic or intimate partner violence is something that warrants special consideration. ‘After all, people are murdered every day. Why is a man killing a woman supposed to be different?’

Someone posted a comment like this on one of these sites and it’s very fitting. These gun nuts are so sure, 100% positive that they know the drafters’ intent regarding the second amendment. But when it comes to every other amendment they throw their hands up and just sigh that we can’t ever really know what they meant.

Why is God only credited with good things? Seems the shooter was working with God when God let him murder 26 people in God’s own house.

How do we know that good guy will always be a good guy and not try to teach his ex wife a lesson by killing their children?

What has that ever gotten anyone? A sense of self-respect? Self-worth? Happiness? Meaningful bonds with other humans?

We can only hope.