Desperate for a Shag Giles

I got screwed out of $500+ from two different airlines (AA and Delta, fuck yourselves) on my recent trip due to indefinite delays. Of course because the flights weren’t officially cancelled, just delayed 5-6 hours 100% guaranteeing I miss my connecting international flights, I don’t get any refunds for “opting” to

No one would. Why would women have unprotected sex because they could just have abortions that are provided for free by the government. Why would people engage in high risk activities or behaviors detrimental to their health just because they know government provided free healthcare would take care of it for them.

I actually thought the reactions were tame? I cringed when Norton brought it up but expected more chuckles or oooooos and heyyyyys from everyone, audience included.

Well as you can see from some of the grays here, 45's minions don’t think these people should have even been let in in the first place. Legality be damned. Also Obama probably broke the constitution giving them asylum I’m sure.

A friend’s parent who lives in PR was recently diagnosed with cancer and can’t get appointments or treatments because they still have no fucking power. Fucking disgrace.

That’s Skinny Lips to my parents. Casey was Fat Lips. They could never remember their names so referred to them by the relative plumpness of their lips.

where the primary female character’s individuality is so unimportant, she doesn’t have a last name.

Ah but then people will willingly expose themselves to HIV to get free treatment! Or something.

These people not think there are members of the military who speak other languages on the regular?

That’s my understanding too. The relative few who refuse are jailed indefinitely (so it seems anyway).

Eh she already did something that makes some people write her off instantly. Served in the IDF and I guess now kills babies or something. Just look at the comments on any YouTube video with even a slight mention of Gal. (but don’t)

THAT’S who’s dating her. I couldn’t remember!

I agree with you. I don’t really mind the idea of music, even dancing. I’ve had surgery a few times and doctors were telling jokes, playing music. Whatever they need to do to help them relax, be comfortable, and focus. Long as it’s not a total distraction or, you know, what this horrible person is doing on Snapchat.

Oh yeah, the guilt has got to be crushing. I think that’s pretty natural no? They’ll need help just as much as anyone else there.

I think a lot of us want to do everything we can to prevent tragedies like that from happening again.

I don’t have a TV, so they don’t know about some of the horrors that go on, thus they don’t need such explanations.


Not talking about media just people reactions e.g. Twitter. I won’t say the criticism was widespread as that’s subjective but it was all along the lines of she has no place to complain or try to garner sympathy (I guess cause she’s famous she can’t be the victim of a tragedy?) or she didn’t do enough etc etc

Wonder if he’ll get as much shit as Ariana Grande did.

Wondering if his face doesn’t look like a cereal box to anyone else ...?