
Sounds like an excellent point, and as former active duty I’m initmately familiar with this type of strategic planning.

The original HMMWV was designed to operate in already-secured spaces where the threat of large caliber weapons, RPGs, and IEDs were never involved. They were to be used to move men and materials rapidly between outposts, not engage in direct combat. They were designed for areas liberated by NATO from the Soviets.

But reflecting on all of this, I really do have to raise my glass for Pusha Thanos. He quietly collected all the infinity stones, then made a trap. And Captain Canada in his arrogance walked straight into it, and didn’t realize what was up until it was too late. And in doing so Pusha Thanos created enough name

I like this ending so much better than real life.

None of us were were any of the mass shooters who killed themselves afterwards either but we still cast aspersions on them. She murdered her own child and killed herself. My feelings won’t hurt or help her. But if there is a hell I hope she burns in it.

Neutral. This is what makes the gas price rise interesting to me. On one side we have the gov’t trying to ease emissions and a market that is consuming larger/less efficient vehicles all the while saying we need stricter emission controls. On the other side, we have fuel prices rising to a point that will start to

Seems like you’ve completely missed the point of HUDs.

Why so expensive?

There are huge gaps everywhere. You’d need a full-time navigator riding with you to plot the types of trips most drivers take.

Now playing

hopefully it isn’t as ugly as the charging situation in EU/UK

What I also found interesting in this news release is the solar/power wall business is up 92% and they are making money on it as well.

Shes not wrong and for anyone who’s listened to how harsh Wolf talks about things like Harvey Weinstein when doing guest appearance, it souldda been obvious she would swing for the fences

When people swing out the opposite way to make a turn. You aren’t towing a trailer, and you’re coming into my lane. Fuck off.

Refineries shutdown this time of year to change formulation to summer gas. Costs a little bit more for while, and isn’t the result of external factors.

I hadn’t realised car insurance was so expensive in the US.

So an ‘analyst’ estimates that FoMoCo, without the F-150, would warrant a negative market valuation, and all sorts of ‘journalists’ breathlessly repeat that because it makes for great clickbait. And then said ‘analyst’ probably gets a bonus, because their work was widely quoted. ‘Financial analysis’ and the

GM and Ram truck sales are down because everyone knows there is a new one coming.

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

I’ve done both the Northern and the Southern end to end multiple times in big lifted Jeeps doing 10 over. The curves are fine. 65 years ago your average family car couldn’t pull a .85g on the skidpad, either.