
Actually I think it’s the other way around:
“how can we make this car way more expensive?”
“lets borrow some ideas from the military!”
“Fixing your car will take a 2 days of meetings of over 40 engineers, to figure out what needs fixing!”

Selena Gomez is the wrong target. The movie also stars Jude Law and Liev Shreiber, and I don’t see people asking them about it? Go after whoever commissioned the film and is bankrolling it or chose him as director. Don’t blame an actress for taking a role in what is likely to be a good role.

Yeah, I know it’s a hot take, and I get the impulse to lash out. I just think it’s stupid to be blaming women like Winslet and Gomez instead of the men financing his movies (who, statistically, are probably sex offenders themselves).

1993-96 Cadillac Fleetwood, the last of the big RWD Caddies.

Libertarian needs help.

News at 11.

The Saab 9-5. It is six years old but I could pass it off as new. A bit of a bias as this one is mine

You blame worker morale on the union? Sure, and management has nothing to do with it.

Ah yes, tell us more about how our federal oversight and advisory organizations are the rock-solid protection that our working men and women need to safeguard them from abuse and empower them against being completely steamrolled by the wealthy.....

I have nothing against unions organizing in private companies. I do think if the UAW tries to pull the same stunts with Tesla that they did with Ford and GM, they are just shooting themselves in the foot. For starters, demanding more money only works if the company is NOT bleeding cash and is profitable enough to

MH370. Chrysler 4.7 and 2.7 head gaskets. Everything made by Maserati.   Just theories.

It’s all about balance though. You need those shorts doing their work otherwise you have Musk on the other side endless spewing overly ambitious production deadlines and a lopsided market view overall.

She tried to cut a deal that almost completely fucking protected them and they jumped the shark with insane levels of entitlement.

You want to watch political moderates start rethinking DACA and the Dream Act? Show them this clip. Anyone thinking this is remotely reasonable behavior needs to stop getting their news

Alright, I’m all for keeping pressure up. That said...


General Motors is one of THE most inclusive and diverse companies in the automobile industry and in America as a whole. Your statement is hollow and worthless in light of the actual GOOD GM does for many communities, including the black community and LGBT causes. Putting out a boiler plate Twitter statement fifteen

It’s Dream Cruise weekend for everyone living outside the microcosm of Detroit.

I have started 8-10 people into the hobby by simply bring them with me and letting them drive my classics in/around Dream Cruise or bringing the car(s) to work on a Tuesday. People need to see these things as real useful vehicles not just

I once choked on gold dust that a restaurant had sprinkled on my selection of chocolate mousses.

You would have to unify the crash testing labs.

And us Americans won’t get it...