
Maybe we should all admit that shooters/FPS do not translate well into MMO type games. Destiny 1+2, The Division all ran into the same problems - I am betting Anthem will face the same issues too.

Agreed - it would be great to see a miniseries at least of the other novels - there is some good stuff in there that would be better played out over a series.

Saw the movie last night - I still processing it but I liked it. The beginning was a bit slow with all the personal stuff(I understand its a movie and why they added it) but the ending and visuals were pretty awesome.

CPM, CPA, CPC, DSP, SSP, DMP, ABM, S2S, programmatic, header bidding, kill me.....

My goal in life is to become a consultant, doesn’t even matter what industry

Cetaphil + cold water. I had semi poor skin until I got off the acne washes.

Every once in awhile I think about moving back to Long Island and nature, until Isee all the Blue Lives Matter flags everywhere.

Ambient music if I am focusing (Jon Hopkins, Bibio, Gold Panda) and considering the weather, depressing shit (Interpol, New Order, Radiohead) when I want to sadly rock out.

“Big Brat” and “Knowitall” are great Phantom Planet songs

The (Sandy) Alex G album is actually pretty good despite his ridiculous name.

I work on the ad tech side of digital media and all these companies are screwed - all these sites are going hard on e-commerce but there are only so many times people are going to purchase a crowdfunded water bottle.

Now all they have to do is bring back the Gorton’s Fisherman logo

Worse than slamming the stall doors are people who slam down the toilet seat. Touching the bottom of the seat and letting it down slowly will not give you dysentery! 

Is Windo pronounced the same as Window? Basing this on that Windo ryhmes with Friendo (No country for Old Men for reference)

Also fly eagles fly is the worse chant ever

I went to Penn State and and all my college buddies are Eagle fans - they have and will always be the worse. Our group chat since week 2 has solely been about who the Eagles are going to play in the Super Bowl and how, as a giant fan, I am a loser (which is true this year).

Cold steel is awesome. They also have bats with metal rods, ninja stars, swords in canes, and kitchen knives.

Does the show need to say something? There were plenty of episodes in the first or second season that were just silly adventures. Most of the plots were pretty straight forward (animals gaining sentience etc....) and the parts that did have major themes (all the family divorce stuff) which they began to explore had to


I saw this last night - it was a profoundly silly movie and I enjoyed most of it.