
In the immortal words of Michael Bolton...

A CamEro, if you will.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think the person who emails to ask if it’s even possible is the person who will successfully set up a VLAN.

No more unethical than the fleecing most ISPs are giving their customers.

“One of” implies that there is room for both, as both are fantastic cars in my experience.

Color me interested.

Bad troll

So are most car purchases, my guy. 

Welcome to the Rust Belt.

What rural area do you live that $100k can get you a entry level home that isn’t falling to pieces???

The Frank Costanza restraint system!

Aluminum/brushed metal shifter knobs suck in southern summers. It’s not dissimilar to getting the McCallister “M” branded into your hand like Harry from Home Alone.

It’s still a developing field. High margin vehicles always get to sales first, in order to finance and prove out that EVs are competitive with high margin ICE vehicles. Eventually, low margin EVs will follow more successfully. No marketer wants the first mass market EV to be a scaled-up barbie car - the market has to

For the past three days, I have been driving a Nissan Rogue rental.

I mean, I need a car to drive 18 miles a day on shitty surface streets. A Camry is actually way more car than I need for this purpose. I’ll keep my discretionary vehicle income for proper closed circuit only toys,not piss it away on a marginally nicer box in which to to spend 40ish minutes a day, 5 days a week.

If you are talking about materials cost of the sandwich, sure, but they’ve gotta keep the lights on and such too.

If we weren’t supposed to eat pangolins, why do they look like walking artichokes?

If we weren’t supposed to eat pangolins, why do they look like walking artichokes?

There are experiences beyond yours, and they are equally interesting and valuable.

Well in that case....