
What really gets me is all of the people who woke up the day after that vote after actively voting “leave” and went “wait what we didn’t actually want this" WHO DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO PICK UP THE SLACK OF YOUR STUPID PROTEST VOTE

It’s uncanny! It’s impossible to tell they’re forgeries without sensitive scientific testing!

You mean he’s Oscar winner Catherine Martin’s husband. ;)

SO, if I am understanding this correctly, Baz Luhrmann put up the money, and put his name behind it, but he is allowing the actual pioneers of hip hop tell their own story.

I will never understand why Tyga, the adult who left his fiancée and child for another child gets invited to vacays and whatnot while Black Chyna is the evil villain for hooking up with Rob.

Following by a Northern Ireland vote to join Ireland and a Welsh vote for independence.

I miss her more than I miss some family members. She truly was a national treasure. A beautiful, hilarious, foul mouthed, national treasure.

I agree. I love Jezebel with a big smooshy heart but the way they write about my age group (I’m 40) just makes me feel...bad. We’re not all stupid, we understand and embrace technology and dear lord do we love us some pop culture and politics.

Kudos to the nurses who stepped up to care for a stranger to keep everything calm.

Sadly, many of them are dead because just anybody can get a gun in America.

I am so FUCKING over this. Fucking take all the fucking guns and fucking burn them. My husband has hunting rifles. He doesn’t need them that bad. Fuck all this motherfucking bullshit. I have to take my damn Birkenstocks off at airport security, but fucking suspected terrorists can buy guns legally.

The whole point is actions have little to do with it. Tomorrow Thiel could wake up, decide he hates Brits, and destroy The Guardian. Or he could see a bad movie review of something he likes, and destroy the NY Times.

This isn’t about a “disagreement,” it’s about the power of the rich and the content distributors they attach themselves to using their power to attack those they disagree with. Thiel, who has never been obscure, claims to support free speech while secretly engaging in champerty against journalists and calling it

Nop. You’re wrong. It’s a really important issue and if you can’t see it, too bad. Billionaires funding wars on media via proxy lawsuits is a crime against society buddy. Hate gawker all you want, the principle is a vital one.

Analogies are analogies not inherently because they give an equitable comparison of severity, but because the comparison typically shows something in an easier-to-understand way or because they use similar faulty logic. KillerBee wasn’t stating raping a child is the equivalent of suing a company for illegally posting

Honorable mention in the badass ladies stakes must go to the Littlest Mormont, for the epic bitchface she threw Ramsay.

Everything I’ve seen him in outside of Star Trek he’s been unrecognizable, just phenomenally excellent. I didn’t think Trek knew what to do with him except turn Vs into Ws and be young.

Do you think it took one or two assistants to artfully pile those rocks?

slay julianne

No, it actually happened months ago, but it takes a long time to verify scientific results before they are announced to the media. know, unless you are 15 and think you’ve found a Mayan city from satellite images.