
When I separated from the Marines I moved to Vegas for a job and I didn’t have any furniture. I stayed for a couple of months in a furnished apartment/hotel type place while I was saving up and looking for an apartment (I didn’t want to only look online without knowing the area, etc). It’s only now, like 4 years

I’m moving into my own flat in 3 weeks after being homeless for nearly 16 months, totally excited but also nervous and slightly worried about having zero furniture but so happy to finally having my own home again.

I feel so old. Raise your hand if you were watching season 3 when Keith was kicked off for pattern books!

Not to defend what he said, but in the subsequent 6 years he has apologized for the comment (and once again today) and educated himself on the subject as well as directed, write, and star in Road to Paloma about the subject of rape in Native American communities.

Posted on AV Club about this but am grey there — This is the jackass who cancelled Good Girls Revolt in spite of acclaim, ratings, etc. He just didn’t like it so! They should have fired him then because that is just idiotic management to dump the biggest breakout, talked-about show they had in that season because

Titanic was the fucking worst.

This guy has been a dick for his entire life. And it’s funny how he praises his Sarah Connor character and Linda Hamilton’s incarnation, but then look how he ACTUALLY treated Linda, the person.

He can jump right into a lake of burning petrol.

No! You’re not. Are they hair models?

To be fair, the reason I didn’t watch the new Muppet show was because the commercials made it look like they were all acting out of character...

Let’s be real, the only part of the description these fucking pigs paid any attention to is the word “Black.” Age, shape, size, gender, none of these things man a thing so long as whoever they grabbed was Black. This is not a case of mistaken identity. This is the cops not giving a fuck who they target and aren’t even

Sorry but this story is shit-stirring and mean.

Why were several sixth graders playing in a marsh under such unsafe conditions...

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of playing with rusted out auto parts in an empty field across from my BFFs house. Zero adult supervision, sharp rusty objects, and even, one time, a cache of old playboy magazines that we studied with Talmudic attention. Keep the marsh open.

Maybe it’s just a matter of bad timing when POC feel a current of attacks (eg: the Native Americans attacked at the Keystone XL Pipeline protests) upon them and how racists are turning things in their favor by putting the subjects in a positive light (eg: the Confederate statues being removed in New Orleans was

I have some things to say about that (ha ha) but I don’t know exactly what you mean. I’ll say this though: marginalized groups do produce art about themselves, but not just about themselves. It’s a big fucking universe out there, and we get the lot of it just like everyone else. But somehow with us it always gets

Artist/Activist is a challenging line to dance and a complicated hat to wear. You’re right, it may not float their boat. As an artist, if you don’t work hard to sculpt the narrative, the public will always do it for you, for better or worse.

No idea.

“A white person establishing consent on an educational initiative and partnering with the local community to realize that vision is a proper narrative.”

This just might be the beginning of the slippery slope that we always hear about but always question.