You obviously do not understand the depth of misogeny in this country.
You obviously do not understand the depth of misogeny in this country.
“We ran a candidate whom everyone hates and when she lost, our response has largely been to get angry that people failed to get on board with her.”
I blame the media, as well. They gave Trump a free ride, asking only the bare minimum of fact, choosing not to push, and – worst of all – pushing false equivalency until legitimate differences on policy and issues became meaningless. The media didn’t start pushing back on Trump until his debates with Hillary. It took…
Ditto on the years, the grey, and the sadness. Women, perhaps older women especially, have always known that sexism is (still, if mutely) encouraged and misogyny was just a thin layer of veneer away, but this election has not only brought it out more into the open, it has given it permission to be as loud, as gross,…
We can be very good at celebrating “firsts.” But we need to work for “seconds,” “tenths,” and “one-hundredths.”
Clinton also dedicated a full rally to climate change, in Florida, and featuring Al Gore. Unlike many of her rallies, this one actually got coverage, coming as it did after Trump’s Ryan tirade.
She was an a-hole at Burning Man. And that’s saying something.
Sea salt & vinegar kettle chips with 0% Fage yogurt. And a Vernor’s gingerale.
It’s not unusual.
I appreciate your perspective. I’m not a fan of twitter-shit.
One comment, three years ago, equals loathing.
I hope David Fahrenthold gets a Pulitzer for his (ongoing) Trump Foundation investigative series. It’s terrific, a solid piece of work, and a much-needed bright spot in a season of piss-poor journalism.
Actually, if more rich people acted like Martha (admitted her culpability, accepted her consequences, and did her prison time in a meaningful way and public way that also brought attention to women in incarceration), that would be a good thing.
Big step.
I’m sorry for your pain and rolling emotions to such a discovery, and having the significance of that discovery trivialized. I went through something similar which unfortunately ended my marriage (24 years) . I wish you the best and I sincerely hope you can work things out to your satisfaction. People do have “work…
I sadly agree. All the more reason to call this shite out. So far, most compaints have been used as a way to dismiss concerns of older women. Well, this biddy sincerely hopes younger women (and men) get loud on this issue.
Seen it. Lived it. Loathe it.
Our country is uncomfortable with racism. But sexism is still seen as comfortable reality. Lauer’s repeated interruptions and dismissals of Hillary are seen as simultaneously implying and confirming her imagined weakness and duplicity. Otherwise, why would she need so much correction by a well-known “man of the news?”…
Seriously? Another nanny?