Sue ‘em
We can’s say we are “pro-choice” if we don’t allow for choices.
I’m 62 and I remember having to fight to wear pants to middle school, having to wait until driver’s ed classes had filled with boys before I could enroll, having to take extra tests to receive VA school benefits (my father died in service when I was 4), arguing with my aunts and uncles about the ERA (and sobbing when…
Sure. And I’m all for it. But generally the longstanding question of “what about Men’s _____?” has been about more about minimizing women, than understanding the complexities of being male. At least, that’s been my experience.
I had a little onsie for my daughter (who’s now 31) that read “Baby Woman.” My mother always laughed nervously when Grace wore it – and always seemed to magically have a little sweater in her purse to offer (“the baby looks cold) when we went out together.
Dig it. I’ve heard “what about Men’s Studies?” for 40 years.
As a long-suffering Browns fan – who’s never lived in Cleveland and only lived in Columbus fo 6 years and who hates the Vikings (even though I’ve lived in Minneapolis for over 26 years), I’ve never felt geographic or even familial ties with teams. I love who I love. And I am free to do so. It’s a big country with lots…
Meh. I’ll be out by the handball court smoking a joint.
Um, yeah. Based on this girl claiming she “had” to vape some flavored water in the girl’s lavatory, and that she and her parents are suing the school over a 3-day suspension (for said vaping incident), and that she is suing the girl who initiated said vaping...She is a total pussy. And her parents sound like real…
Suprisingly, many moms are versed in pop culture and smart phones. Besides, Hillary’s more a grandmom (Chelsea’s 36).
Why can’t Hannibal get any Emmy love? One of the best, most challenging series – beautifully produced and impeccably acted.
Having worked many of the Hasbro development teams, I’m not surprised, at all. Like Disney, they were completely unwilling to see maker fans as anything else but copyright infringers. Gender stereotypes were seen as “developmentally unavoidable.” And cross-category mashups were declared infeasible.
I’m excited to see his work on the runway. And how some of these notions translate to retail.
I took her comments to be more about celebrity pregnancies and the pressures to present pregancy in an unrealistic way (lot’s of stories about “losing baby weight” in record time, etc. But Adichie’s take is also food for more nuanced thought about non-celeb pregnancies.
The overall results are strikingly different than a slew of recent polls from NBC News/Wall Street Journal, ABC News/Washington Post, Bloomberg, and Monmouth University, all of which showed Clinton with a significant lead over Trump.
Dumb Ways to Die (Australian public service announcement campaign by Metro Trains in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, to promote rail safety, 2012).
Fun article. But please consider writing about (non-celebrity) older women as if they were other than useless, clueless, and only worth entertainment value.